Send In Your Unwanted Barnacle Bay Codes!

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If you were one of many who Pre-Ordered The Sims 3 Island Paradise via Origin, chances are, you also received a Barnacle Bay Code. If you do not have use for the code and are not sure what to do with it, feel free to send it my way!
In the coming weeks I will be setting up a giveaway that gives simmers a chance to win Barnacle Bay. I have received more than 10 codes already from generous simmers, so the more codes I receive, the more winners there will be! All donations will be credited in the giveaway, or you can choose to donate anonymously.
If you have a Barnacle Bay Code you have no use for, and would like to donate to this giveaway, send them to me at [email protected], or use our contact form. Thanks in advance! 🙂
