One hundred eighty eight comments later, we finally have a winner for The SimsVIP Ultimate Sims 3 Package. It was a tough competition, but I enjoyed reading each and every comment. You simmers are an amazing group of people, with all kinds of backgrounds and stories to tell. The time has come to reveal the winner of this giveaway…

Congrats to Isaiah Valdez!
Isaiah, I have sent you an email with details on the prize. To everyone else, thank you very much for your participation in this giveaway, and for being such great supporters of SimsVIP. 🙂
The SimsVIP Ultimate Sims 3 Package includes:
♦ The Sims 3 Island Paradise Limited Edition (Physical Copy)
♦ The Sims 3 T-Shirt – Courtesy of The Sims 3 UK
♦ The Sims 3 Bracelet – Courtesy of The Sims 3 UK
♦ The Sims 3 University Poster – Courtesy of The Sims 3 UK