The Sims 4: More Teasers by The Sims Team

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As you may remember, SimGuruGraham showed off some “teaser” photos of The Sims 4 Developers in the July 23rd Broadcast. To quote Graham, the photos give us a “little taste” of what’s to come at Gamescom.

Since the chat, The Sims Facebook Page has shared teasers (here, here and here), as well as the photos and captions below.

Hat Tip: Milad


♦ Flowers in hair, check. Flamingo with an Evil Trait and scary stare, double check! What’s with the island themed decorations? RSVP for the EA Gamescom Press Conference to find out!
♦ Via EA Russia (Horridly Translated) – In Maxis do not apply their problems. But then what of the night raised their representatives? Write in the comments on that in the game The Sims 4 suggests this picture.

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