The Sims 3 Into the Future: Gamescom Edition

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Guten Tag, Simmers! For those who aren’t German linguists, Guten Tag means hello. We’re back from our German sojourn at gamescom and can’t wait to fill you in. The biggest news, of course, was the handful of our fans we brought to with us gamescom to participate in SimsCamp and they were among the first to go hands-on with The Sims 3 Into the Future. We’ve already shared some of the excitement around events relating to The Sims 4 (you can read about them here,) but this blog is all about the jetpack-fueled, Plumbot-centric, future-inspired items, and dream pod-inspired gameplay of The Sims 3 Into the Future.


The very talented and charismatic King Choi kicked it off with a special in-game demo showing off future technology. Then he went more in-depth on the Plumbots, and gave a hint as to what may change your Sim’s future if they take specific paths in the present world. To see everything King showed, you can watch his demo here. Afterwards, SimsCamp attendees were among the first to play the game. Yup. They got to play the game even before me! And, they have a lot to say about it.



