Official Word on a “The Sims 4” Release Date

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With little to no information regarding the release date for The Sims 4, Simmers are extremely anxious for official word. As far as release dates go, we’ve seen everything from EA financial reports, to brick and mortar shops posting possible release dates.
With any new series, early release dates can (and have been) very unreliable from all sources, including official outlets. For now, the only official information regarding a release date, has been that of the EA financial reports from back in May.
Sure, retailers are usually given a heads up on when a game will be released, but all release dates are subject to change. Not to mention that retailers love to create placeholder dates that are unconfirmed, only to lure in people to pre-purchase a game sooner than needed. (Its all about sales)
As of this moment, the only confirmed information we have on a release date, is that it is set to come out in 2014. Charlie Sinhaseni, PR Manager at Maxis for The Sims 4, confirmed that the only release date they have given at this time, is 2014. Who knows, even that can change.

Even though these possible release dates could by chance come true eventually, for now its best to sit back and relax. 😉
