There’s one in almost every culture. It goes by different names – the Chung Chiu Moon Festival in China, Pongal in the southern part of India, the UK’s Harvest Festival or Erntedankfest in Germany. In North America we refer to it as Thanksgiving. And while they may fall on different days and be part of different traditions, they all have one thing in common: a time to take a moment to give thanks for all the good things in one’s life.
The Sims team has many reasons to be thankful. We work with an incredibly creative community every day. It’s with that in mind that we’d like to give you an opportunity to share your creativity with us and each other by creating cards that celebrate Simsgiving.
We’re accepting artwork between now and the end of November. We invite you to take on the spirit of gratitude (and great food!). It’s easy! Just follow these steps:
1) Click the links below to download from The Sims 3 Store
Harvest Bounty (FREE!)
Waning Moon (1,780)
2) Then download any or all of the Simsgiving postcard templates (right click on image and “save as” on your computer):
Play The Sims 3 and set your scene for fun! Be sure to grab a screenshot of your Sims celebrating a festive meal. Your screenshot MUST contain at least one item from either Harvest Bounty or Waning moon.
4) Using the pre-made postcard templates, you fill in the blank spaces with a screenshot (or several screenshots if you like) of your Sims celebrating Simsgiving and then upload it to our Tumblr page or add to our Facebook Wall.
Submitting to The Sims’ Official Tumblr page.
1) Upload your content on your personal Tumblr profile
2) Go to The Sims Official Tumblr
3) Click the submit button on the right
4) Select “Photo” in the drop-down
5) Upload your photo
6) Check the “I accept the Terms of Submission” box
7) Click “Submit”
8) We’ll do the rest!
We’ll highlight some of the best and funniest images. So get cooking and be ready to celebrate! There are so many things to be thankful for this Simsgiving and we can’t wait to see what you share with us!