The Sims 4: Simified Interviews SimGuruGrant

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During the mass hysteria that was Gamescom, it appears that I forgot to post Simified’s interview with SimsGuruGrant from September. It had been linked to in mass interview posts, but never as a separate post.
Please note that any and all information in the interview could change over the course of the game’s production. The game was in Pre-Alpha when Grant was interviewed, so keep that in mind!


Simified: What are the Life Stages in The Sims 4? Are there any new ones?

SimGuruGrantThe Sims 4 will have all of the same life stages as previous games, Baby, Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, and Elder. There are no new life stages coming at this time.
Simified: Will Sims be able to have and own cars? Will cars in The Sims 4 have functions similar to The Sims 2 (opening doors, etc.) or will they be like The Sims 3?


GrantSims will definitely be able to own and have cars! As far as how they will function, I cannot comment on that yet. I do know that opening doors, like in The Sims 2, would require a lot from our animations team, so this may or may not happen.


