Games Beat: Designing a Diverse Game Studio

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This GamesBeat interview features our very own SimGuruLyndsay of The Sims 4

Electronic Arts’ The Sims Studio is one of the bright lights of the game business when it comes to diversity. But just a fifth of its employees are women. That tells you how far the industry has to go when it comes to gender balance.

There are women in positions of leadership like Lyndsay Pearson, the lead producer of The Sims 4 at Electronic Arts’ The Sims studio, and Lucy Bradshaw, head of EA’s Maxis label. But they’re still something of a rarity.


Part one of our interview with Pearson focused on breaking into the games business as a woman, designing games with female characters, and why the issue has become a hot button lately. The second part focuses on creating a studio with diversity. EA’s The Sims Studio is a big team in Redwood City, Calif., and about a fifth of its members are women.




