Site News: Project Schedule Update

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Hey everyone! So now that my move to Florida is a thing of the past, I will slowly begin to complete a handful of projects on the site. I’ve had a slow start of catching up, but that is due to the fact that I’ve also been back and forth to Chicago, and I’m still here for another week.
I have plenty of projects and changes to get done on the site, so believe me when I say they will begin promptly when I get back to Florida. I’m very excited to get things done! 😛
Here is the upcoming site schedule:

♦ Community Spotlights will resume on February 1st 
♦ Weekly caption contests will resume February 7th
♦ The Sims 3 World and Premium Content Guides will be updated with The Sims 3 Roaring Heights content by February 14th


♦ The Sims 3 Into the Future Guide will be completed by February 21st
♦ The Sims 3 “Freebies” and “Hairstyles” section will be re-designed and updated in the coming months
♦ The Sims 3 World and Premium Content Guides will be re-designed and updated in the coming months to allow for faster loading times 
♦ The Sims 3 product pages will be completed in the coming months

Aside from everything listed above, there are plenty of other things I’ll be working on as well, but more on that once I get to it. I also have a very special giveaway in the works.
Remember the Quilt auction by SimGuruAmy? I managed to snag TWO of those quilts, so that means I have an extra one for a lucky SimsVIP reader. I have a contest all planned and ready to execute, so stay tuned for details on that in the near future!


Thank you for being so patient while I get everything sorted, and I look forward to another awesome year with you all! 🙂
