Save The Date: SimsVIP’s Three Year Anniversary!

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First and foremost, I would like to thank all of our readers for the continued support over the last three years. With over 18 Million site visits and a dedicated reader base, I am very excited to be celebrating our Three Year Anniversary with you all! (Where did the time go?!?!?!)


An extended thank you goes out to the wonderful staff here at SimsVIP:

 ManagerJosh, Petar, George, Whipperwhirl and Wee Albet

The site cannot function without these wonderful folks!  

To celebrate SimsVIP’s 3rd Birthday, I am hosting a super special giveaway. Remember when SimGuruAmy auctioned off the awesome Sims 3 hand made quilts? I entered the auction and was able to win two quilts. One for me, and one for a very lucky SimsVIP reader. 🙂

It’s even signed by the Dev teams @ The Sims Studio!

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On March 16th, 2014, I will host a special giveaway for the quilt. I’m withholding details for the giveaway until that day, so be prepared for everything and anything. Once again, thank you all for your wonderful support, and I’ll see you on March 16th! 🙂
