The Sims 4: New Site, Info, Screens & Renders

- Advertisement -, official site for The Sims series, received a much needed makeover today. They have revamped the entire site, giving players some new screenshots, renders, and information. I’ve compiled all the new information below for your convenience.

Features Overview

What is The Sims 4? – The Sims 4 is the highly anticipated life simulation game that lets you play with life like never before.
Smarter Sims – Create and Control Sims with new Appearances, unique Personalities, and new Emotions
Weirder Stories – New Smarter Sims with unique Personalities and new Emotions provide you greater choices to play with life in The Sims 4.
Powerful Creative Tools – All-New, Create A Sim and Build Mode are more powerful, intuitive, and fun than ever before.
Vibrant Neighborhoods – Experience new gameplay opportunities in new worlds brought to life by vibrant neighborhoods.
Share Your Creations – See, share, and download new content from The Gallery in The Sims 4.




Smarter Sims

new sims


Weirder Stories



Powerful Creative Tools



Vibrant Neighborhoods



Share Your Creations



New Videos

Video Link

Video Link


New Renders

❗ Click images for a larger view!

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