EA Trailer Reveals “The Sims 4 Premium” Membership

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It’s no secret that EA offers incentives to players willing to pay a fee for “exclusives” via memberships, and it seems that The Sims 4 is no exception to this business practice.
In the newly released gameplay trailer, a screen in the “gallery” reveals a Sims 4 Premium Membership, along with newly revealed exclusive content that is to be offered with said membership.

“The Sims 4 Premium: Save on new packs with early access and exclusive items. Become a Premium Member to get early access to 3 new packs, with exclusive items. Your Sims can throw a spooky costume party, camp in the great outdoors, and toast to the new year in style.”


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This is not the first time we’ve seen mention of a “bundle” type subscription for the game, as a March 2014 survey also revealed possible game/content bundles for a set price. Since it is not “tradition” for The Sims to have such memberships available to players, it was brushed off as nothing more than asking price for base game editions.

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For those who are unfamiliar with Premium Memberships from EA, head over and take a look at this example from Battlefield 4. Should a membership like this become reality in The Sims, would you be willing to pay a membership fee for early access and exclusive bonus content?

Hat Tip: SimGoodie
