EBGames NZ: Change in Sims 4 Premium Edition Content

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Update August 1st – Daniel has informed us that EBGames NZ has updated their Sims 4 product page info, and both editions of the game will include the Digital Soundtrack, and a bonus Plumbob headband.


unnamed unnamed (1)

It was originally stated that the digital soundtrack would be stripped from the Premium Edition and replaced with the plumbob headband, however, they have since updated to include the headband as bonus content.
Original Post Below:


EBGames NZ has just recently been advised that they will no longer be offering the “digital soundtrack” in the Premium Edition of The Sims 4. Instead, they will be replacing the content with a plumbob headband. It is unclear if this change applies only to this specific retailer, or if this will end up as a universal change worldwide.

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the email.

We were initially offered the soundtrack for the premium edition, but have only just recently been advised that it will be replaced with a PlumbBob headband.


Erich Roebeck EB Games NZ

Email: [email protected] | Website: http://www.ebgames.co.nz | Ph: (0800 EB GAMES) or 09 256 5194

Hat Tip: Daniel
