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This post is dedicated to The Sims 4 Community Event at Gamescom and the EA/Maxis Studios in Germany. The event takes place August 11th to August 17th, and consists of first hand gameplay by players around the world.
❗ Over 80 articles available ❗

- Let’s Play The Sims 4 (Part 1) (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Gamescom Show Floor Trailer (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: 11 Minute “Let’s Play” (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Gamescom Show Floor Trailer Screens
- The Sims 4: Gamescom Intro
- The Sims 4: Gamescom Adventures
- The Sims 4: Main Menu Overview
- The Sims 4: Create-a-Sim Preview
- The Sims 4: World Overview
- The Sims 4: Build Mode Preview
- The Sims 4: User Interface
- The Sims 4: Emotions
- The Sims 4: The Influence of Emotions
- The Sims 4: The Story of James Groves
- The Sims 4: 41 Screenshots
- The Sims 4: Gameplay Video (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Info bits from Gamescom (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: 10 Exclusive Screenshots
- The Sims 4: Player Impressions (17 pages)
- The Sims 4: Gameplay Video (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Experiment (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: 20 Exclusive Screenshots
- The Sims 4: “Maze Experiment” Overview (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Hidden Lots Preview
- The Sims 4: Gamescom Producer Presentation Overview
- The Sims 4: Build Mode Preview
- The Sims 4: Exclusive EU Event Images (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Sleeping Sims (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Sim Needs Toilet (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Hungry Sim (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Freezer Bunny Guitar (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Practicing Guitar (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Pregnant Sim Eats Mac & Cheese (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Pregnant Sim Interactions (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Beg For Toys (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Pregnant Woohoo (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Write an Excuse Note (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Sim Goes to Work (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Cleaning Plates (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Buying a Crib (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Cooking Level 2 (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Purchase Seeds from PC (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Sit-ups (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Drinking from the Fridge (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Playing Violin (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Planting Seeds (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Chatting and Eating (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Gameplay Walkthrough #1 (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Gameplay Walkthrough #2 (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Gameplay Walkthrough #3 (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Gameplay Walkthrough #4 (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Screenshot Walkthrough (Goth Family) (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Woohoo (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Willow Creek Fly Over (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Grilling and Chatting (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Sims Going Upstairs at the Same Time (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Angry Child Playing (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Child Walks in on Woohoo (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Angry Child Denounces Friendship (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Build Mode (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Main Menu & World Maps (VIDEO)
- The Sims 4: Game Preview
- Let’s Play The Sims 4 (VIDEO)
Garry’s School (France)
SimCookie (France)
Les Sims Wiki (France)
Direct Sims (France)
L’Universe Sims (France)
Sims-Artists (France)
TheSims-4.fr (France)
SimTimes (Germany)
Blacky Sims Zoo (Germany)
Crinrict (Germany)
SimForum (Germany)
Akisima Sims 3 Blog (Germany)
Sims Objekt (Germany)
Sims 4 EU (Germany)
Simension (Germany)
SimParool (Netherlands)
Pinguintech (Netherlands)
SimGoodie (Norway)
Dara Sims (Russia)
Capital Sim (Spain)
Actualidad Sims (Spain)
Rachybop (United Kingdom)
Platinum Simmers(United Kingdom)
Beyond Sims (United Kingdom)
The English Simmer (United Kingdom)
Press Coverage
• IGN Italy: The Sims 4 Video Preview (Video)
• Joystiq: Coveting my neighbor’s house in The Sims 4
• Joystiq: Death kills parents, robs cradle in Sims 4
• PCGames.de (German): The Sims 4 Preview
• Meristation (Spanish): The Sims 4 Preview
• Gamespot: The Sims 4’s Emotions & Relationships
• Trusted Reviews: The Sims 4 First Impressions
• Eurogamer: The Sims 4 Preview
• EA Germany: EATV & The Sims 4 Community Lounge (VIDEO)
• CBS Gaming Bros: Interview w/Simmers at Gamescom’s Community Lounge (VIDEO)
• Girl Gamers UK: The Sims 4 Hands-on Impressions
• Gameplanet.com: Building Player Attachment in The Sims 4
• Sydney Morning Herald: The Sims 4 Returns to the Series’ Roots
• Gamalive (French): Sims 4 Preview
• My TFI News (France): The Sims 4 Preview (VIDEO)
• Zoomin.TV News: Interview with Rachel Franklin (VIDEO)
• EveryEye.it: The Sims 4 Gameplay Video (VIDEO)
Misc. Stuff From Attendees
• Finn Bollongino: The Sims 4 Show Floor Gameplay Footage (VIDEO)
• News-on-Tour: Sims 4 Booth Footage (VIDEO)
• PietSmiet TV: Random Sims 4 Booth Footage (VIDEO)
• ImosaGeeks: Random Gamescom Showfloor CAS Footage (VIDEO)
Full List of Attendees
• Sims Artists (France)
• L’Universims (France)
• SimCookie (France)
• Daily Sims (France)
• Direct Sims (France)
• Garry’s School (France)
• TheSims4-fr (France)
• Simsoucis. (France)
• Crinrict (Germany)
• SimTimes.de (Germany)
• Sims 4 EU (Germany)
• Simension (Germany)
• Simforum.de (Germany)
• Akisima Sims 3 Blog (Germany)
• SimFans.de (Germany)
• SimsPlanet (Netherlands)
• SimsNieuws (Netherlands)
• Pinguintech (Netherlands)
• DeSims4 (Netherlands)
• Sims Network (Netherlands)
• Sim Parool (Netherlands)
• Simlicious (Netherlands)
• SimGoodie (Norway)
• Dara Sims (Russia)
• Actualidad Sims (Spain)
• Geles (Spain)
• Capital Sim (Spain)
• The English Simmer (United Kingdom)
• Girl Gamers UK (United Kingdom)
• BeyondSims (United Kingdom)
• Platinum Simmers (United Kingdom)