Joystiq: Death kills parents, robs cradle in Sims 4

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Here’s a tragic – yet heartwarming – tale from The Sims 4, as shared with me by the game’s Executive Producer, Rachel Franklin: “There was a family and they had a baby. And the family died. The Grim Reaper came, but the baby was hungry. So, Grim turned everyone into urns, but before he left, he fed the baby.”


Franklin paused for effect, letting me wrestle with a few different emotions. ​”Because the baby needed to be fed. Grim has a personality, he’s a full-bodied character.” When Grim isn’t taking care of newly orphaned children, he’s also been known to walk by a park full of beautiful people and turn his head to enjoy the view. The Sims 4 is about “big personalities” and even the afterlife’s fare-thee-well man is no exception, being drawn into the human simulation.


