Guest Post: Family Gamer TV (UK) Talks The Sims 4

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Hi! My name is Jordan Erica Webber, and I’m one of the presenters over at Family Gamer TV. Our videos are aimed at families, kids and their parents, and as you can probably guess, The Sims is one of those games that our viewers particularly love. Since The Sims 4 is out soon, we wanted to make a video to tell family gamers what they need to know about the game.

To make sure we got the most important facts and got them right, I asked Alexis if she’d help out. We ended up having a great chat over Skype, and I was able to use clips from that in the video, which we split into two parts. Here’s the second part. Enjoy, and feel free to leave us a comment on the video if you have any feedback!


