The Sims 4 Premium Membership Update

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Instant Gaming, the first (and only) retailer to list The Sims 4 Premium Membership, has sent out notices to players who pre-ordered from their site. In an email to customers, they announced that the release date for this membership has shifted to “unknown”. Here’s the email received by Litabelaqua a few days ago:


You are receiving this email because you have a pre-order of the game “The Sims 4 Premium Service” off the release date has been passed as “unknown” on the part of the publisher. We have currently no new date, although estimates say “2014.” In the present state of things, your pre-order is preserved juqu’à a livaison games, but you can at any time, without waiting to make a cancellation of the latter by simply clicking the dedicated button, available in your history purchase. As soon as we have more information about the premium service Sims 4, we will post on facebook.


Instant Gaming

Dwm 2014-10-13 02-42-02-71

We’ve yet to hear anything since EA accidentally revealed it in their Live Broadcast, so who knows where it goes from here. The October 10th date has come and gone, so now we play the waiting game.
