Community Blog: Trick or Cheat in The Sims 4

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Via the Sims Community Blog

Hi Simmers! As you guys know, we like to provide a variety of cheats for you in the game. Some of you play by your own rules and we like to encourage that. In addition to the cheats already published and shared with you, it turns out a few of our development cheats made it into the game as well!

For some back story, these cheats were created to do daily “Smoke Tests.” We had to put in these cheats so the game could run on its own without human intervention. Essentially, we run these smoke tests in the wee hours of the morning while we aren’t at work using our computers.


Quick Disclaimer: Cheats are cheats. Using these cheats takes you beyond the standard tuning and flow of gameplay so you may encounter hiccups or oddities. So please use cheats with caution!

TS4_Blog Cheats

To use these cheats open the command console (Ctrl + Shift + C) and type your command of choice from the list below:

*NOTE: you don’t need to put in the < > symbols in your cheat code. There are there to show you where to type in the specifics you want.


Below are a few cheat codes that will allow you to play The Sims 4 anyway you’d like:

1. Do you forget to pay your bills until you suddenly lose lights and water? Fret no more with Automatically Pay Bills: households.autopay_bills

2. Want to automatically answer dialogs that pop up on screen? This cheat will choose cancel if available or select between the choices given: ui.dialog.auto_respond

3. Do you want to complete your current Aspiration Milestone? Use this cheat: aspirations.complete_current_milestone

Career Cheats – We have quite a few cheats for careers. For , type the name of the career.

1. Want to add any career to your Sim? Try this: careers.add_career

2. Want a demotion? Use this: careers.demote

3. For a promotion: careers.promote

4. Want to quit? Just type this: careers.remove_career

5. To speed up crafting: crafting.shorten_phases

6. Fix your Sim’s needs: sims.fill_all_commodities

7. Fix your household’s needs: stats.fill_commodities_household

8. Want to add a specific amount of money? This will add the amount you specify to your family funds.: sims.modify_funds


*NOTE: is where you type the amount of money you want.

9. Get rid of your Moodlets: sims.remove_all_buffs

10. Want to spawn random groups of Sims? Use this: sims.spawnsimple<#>

*NOTE: Replace <#> with the number of Sims you want. BE WARNED: If you put in a crazy number, the game will break.

11. Movie makers, disable headline FX: headlineeffects

*NOTE: This doesn’t remove Plumbobs.

This wouldn’t be a cheat sheet without these famous money cheats. Type in the following to strike it rich:

12. motherlode

13. rosebud

14. kaching

Have fun with these cheats and happy Simming!
