Kotaku: The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat Q&A

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Kotaku: You mention that that the game pack will add “new gameplay features” into the mix, but it sounds like most of the additions specified are specific assets/bits of content—outdoor cooking and costumes. Are you adding new activities that Sims can participate in as well?
EA: Yes, we have some really great new things for Sims to do. Sims can partake in new group activities like the campfire and horseshoes, try their hand at mastering potions with the new herbalism skill, wander through the wilderness, collect all new plants, insects and use them to create herbal remedies and new cooking recipes.
Kotaku: What sort of destination/area is granite falls, exactly? is it a new public lot? will sims be able to set up houses there, or anything like that? can you build buildings there, regardless of what sims (if any) live there, or is it more wilderness focused? will you be able to mess around with any of the geographic features in build mode at all?


EA: Granite Falls is a brand new destination in The Sims 4. When you arrive you’ll be in a Campground neighborhood where your Sims can set-up camp among the trees or rent a fully furnished cabin. Your Sims will only have what they bring with them – any additional supplies they’ll need they’ll have to purchase at the Ranger Station – but players may edit the Campground lots through Manage Worlds and build whatever they like on them.
The second neighborhood in Granite Falls is Granite Falls National Park, which is a lush forest full of plants, insects, and scenic vistas to discover and explore. There are rumors of a mysterious hermit who lives high up in the mountains, but no one knows quite where…


