The Sims 4: Five Nifty Build Mode Tricks

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With new tools that are both welcoming to newcomers and comfortable for veterans, building in The Sims has never been easier. Among all the new build mode features are several new tools that make the process of building a lot more fluid, time efficient and fun! Here are 5 nifty build tricks to appease your building needs:

5. The Search Bar
Instead of scouring throughout the catalog for what seems like hours in search for a, let’s say, tissue box, you can now take full advantage of the quick and easy search bar on the bottom left of the Build Mode UI.



4.  ‘T’ for Aerial View
Pressing the ‘T’ key instantly fixes the camera in an aerial view, making it easier to meticulously place shrubbery, decorative objects or use the terrain paint tools smoothly.


3. Open Basements
Basements in The Sims 4 are the most advanced in the series and have plenty of neat features that allow you to make the most out it. Specifically, once a basement has been built, you can now remove the ceiling.

Removing the basement ceiling

The basement, with removed ceiling

2. ‘9’ and ‘0’
With the return of the Moveobjects cheat came the introduction of a new hot-key, allowing you to place anything on top of anything. By pressing the ‘9’ key and ‘0’ key, you can move any objects, big or small, upwards, then from there, downwards. You must first enable the Moveobjects cheats (bb.moveobjects on). ‘9’ to move up, ‘0’ to move down.


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Books, bags and candles, all placed using ‘9’ and ‘0’

1. Filters
Accessed on the right of the Build Mode UI, filters allow the player to sift through objects within four primary groups: Styles, Colours, Content and Packs. Each group is comprised of many subgroups that further assist in finding what you’re looking for. These filters work exactly the same as the filters in Create-A-Sim.

filters Extensive filters

