The Sims 4: Mod Releases of the Week

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Each week we compile a list of mods that have been released to help make your gaming experience more pleasant and unique. Be sure to use The Sims 4 Mods Category Tag for future reference.

❗ Please note that installing 3rd party content may cause problems with your game. It is a good idea to properly research the use of mods and custom content before putting them into your game.
❗ While EA unofficially supports the modding community, they will not be held liable should any 3rd party content damage your PC or game. 
❗ This list is here for informational purposes only. SimsVIP does not assume any liability should 3rd party content damage your PC or game. 
❗ Always remember to remove mods and custom content before updating your game


Functional Water SprinklerAdds a working water sprinkler to the game

Sit on the Stairs Mod – Allows Sims to sit on stairs

Half Cost Retail Perks – cuts the cost of retail perks in half with The Sims 4 Get To Work


Quick Gains and Work and SchoolWork and School progression increased

Customers Wait ForeverCustomers will be forced to wait forever until you ring them up in The Sims 4 Get To Work Expansion

Pop Art Paintings ReplacedReplaces the paintings in the “Pop Art” category that sims create on the easel



No More Cool Down Between Sure SalesReduces the cool-down period between sure sales in The Sims 4 Get To Work Expansion

No More Ingredients ModNo Ingredients will be required to cook, bake, etc

More Polish NamesAdds additional Polish names to the name randomizer


Low Cost Emotion PotionsReduces the price of emotion potions in the game

Maxis Endtables: More SlotsOverrides that add some slots to the nether regions of Maxis end tables

No Autonomous Buy Retail StoreStops Sims from autonomously purchasing retail stores


Sure Sale for all CustomersSure Sale option becomes available to use on all Customers in The Sims 4 Get to Work Expansion

Pregnancy for EveryoneUnlocks pregnancy for all genders and same sex couples but only when you ask “Try for baby…”


12-hour Work Days for Active CareersIncreases Work Day to 12 Hours


Kids Can Die From AnythingEnables all Deaths for Children

No Food SparklesRemoves the sparkles on food dishes

Less Slacking EmployeesDecreases laziness of employees in The Sims 4 Get To Work Expansion


Less or No SpoilingReduces or Eliminates any spoiling on food dishes

At Peace TraitAdds new trait to the game

Cultured Vampire TraitAdds new trait to the game


Born Chef TraitAdds new trait to the game

The Dunce TraitAdds new trait to the game

Sarcastic TraitAdds new trait to the game


EA Fridges with SlotsEnables slots of EA fridges to allow for clutter placement on top of a fridge

Baby without a Crib Allows babies to be placed without the bassinet

Kids Can GardenAllows Children to garden


Teen PregnancyAllows Teenagers to get pregnant

No More Alien AbductionsDisables Alien Abductions in The Sims 4 Get To Work Expansion

Naked WoohooSelf Explanatory


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