Community Blog: 5 Let’s Players Worth Checking Out for The Sims 4

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We love seeing what you guys get up to when you play The Sims 4, and one of our favourite ways to do that is by watching awesome Let’s Play videos! There are so many super talented Let’s Player’s out there for The Sims, so we rounded up five of our faves that you should totally check out.


Deligracy (@Deligracy) 

Why we love her: Deligracy puts so much energy and personality in to her videos, making every single one of them super fun to watch. We feel like we’re sitting next to her sharing snacks every time. She’s just… So. Happy. All the time!


What should you check out? Our favourite series has to be her The Sims 4 Twins, but her Build videos are also totally amazing.



Mousie (@MissMousieMouse) 

Why we love her: Mousie is so so so so so so so so SO so cute. It’s unreal. All of her videos make us super happy right deep down inside. Her videos are always really fun, and we love how detailed and excited she gets picking outfits for her Sims, too.

What should you check out? Her 100 Baby Challenge is giving us life right now. It’s so awesome!



MagicalMunicorn (@MagicalMunicorn) 

Why we love her: Firstly: unicorns. C’mon. But more than that, she just makes these awesome fun stories that we get totally drawn in to on herMySimsAddiction channel. She also likes to do voices for different Sims, and we’re so totally down with that.


What should you check out? Right now we totally love the LGTK Oasis Springs series. She does the best Don Lothario voice ever, fact.



SpringSims (@spring_sims) 

Why we love him: OH EM GEE, DRAMA! Forget your soaps, you don’t need them anymore. This guy makes such awesome dramatic stories for his Sims and we just can’t stop watching. He also goes in to a lot of detail talking about all the backstories for his Sims, which is always awesome.

What should you check out? His The Sims 4 Get Together Let’s Play is some seriously fun drama, definitely great for binge watching!




EnglishSimmer (@EnglishSimmer)

Why we love her: All of her videos are just so funny, we could listen to her talking about her Sims all day. It might have happened a few times already! She talks about her Sims in such a familiar way, like they’re all friends she hangs out with and she’s just giving us a running commentary and we love it.

What should you check out? All of it. Start to finish top to bottom just go. Now. Chop chop!


So those are some of our favorites, but who are yours? We’re always up for watching more awesome Let’s Play’s so come and tell us on Twitter and Facebook!
