Community Blog: There’s a Monster Under Your Bed in The Sims 4! No, Really!

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After today’s Update to The Sims 4, don’t be surprised if you see something a little… monstrous… peeking out from under the bed. See, after we got the patch together, we started hearing that children from all over have reportedly been awoken at night to the eerie sounds of a monster lurking beneath their bed.

Parents claim they have no idea what their little ones are talking about, but have taken to humoring them by spraying a “monster repellent” around the bed. This apparently has done remarkably well at getting tentacled things to go away and keeping creepy things in check!



“It’s true,” say the youngsters! “Some sort of unspeakable monster of unspeakableness has been seen skulking beneath our beds!” Apparently the beguiling behemoth is only visible at night, and only to children. The frightened youth however are more than willing to fetch the nearest household member to help with their monster predicament.

However, some tenacious tykes have instead attempted to communicate with the slithering disturber of slumbers. Going the route of befriending the lurking leviathan with a kind word or two. Perhaps though, your budding offspring are not the “step into the belly of the beast” types… then your little sprout should plop the “Coolala, The Defender Wall Light” upon their walls, guaranteed to keep the ghoulish ghoulie away better than any apple!

So sleep tight… good night…. and know that the Monster Under the Bed is afraid of sunlight.
