Origin BETA: Check Out Origin’s New Look

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There is a brand new Origin BETA Update available now in the Origin Client that gives you a preview of what’s to come with Origin’s New Look. According to the help page, there is a slew of new features available, and you can preview it now with Orgin’s BETA Update.


BETA updates are available to those who choose to opt in, and you can always revert back if you don’t want to continue participating. Origin will also collect your feedback on the new features, so this is a great way to let your voice be heard. Players who participate in Origin Beta will have early access to updates before the general public.


To enable Origin Beta Updates, following these steps:

  • Log in to the Origin client
  • Click Origin in the menu bar.
  • Click Application Settings.
  • Click the General tab
  • Scroll down to find Origin Beta Participation.
  • Check the Update to the beta version box.

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The new Origin displays recommended games based on the titles you own, sales and deals, On the House Games, quicklinks to achievements and profiles, integrated BETA broadcasting directly to Twitch, and Origin Points to name a few. According to our very own staff member, Kit, it is a very smooth experience thus far.


One of our favorite features thus far is the ability to use the overlay to navigate the internet directly from within your game, and pin it to your in-game session. You can even adjust the window’s opacity. This allows you to freely display your favorite SimsVIP game guides and tutorials without leaving the game! Need on demand cheats for The Sims 4? DONE!



With so many new features, it’s hard not to take advantage of the early preview. Head over to the official Origin Help Page for information on the new features, as well as step by step instructions on how to revert back to the old Origin should you not want to participate.
