The Sims 4: Mod Releases of the Week

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Each week we compile a list of mods that have been released to make your gaming experience unique. Be sure to use The Sims 4 Mods Category Tag for future reference.

❗ Please note that installing 3rd party content may cause problems with your game. It is a good idea to properly research the use of mods and custom content before putting them into your game.


❗ While EA unofficially supports the modding community, they will not be held liable should any 3rd party content damage your PC or game. 

❗ This list is here for informational purposes only. SimsVIP does not assume any liability should 3rd party content damage your PC or game.

❗ Always remember to remove mods and custom content before updating your game


Functional Zip Line – Adds a Functional Zip Line object to the game

Wine – Cabernet Sauvignon – Adds a custom drink to the game

Wine – Watermelon – Adds a custom drink to the game

Wine – Strawberry – Adds a custom drink to the game


Snacks – Bread #1 – Adds custom recipes to the game

Functional Distillery – Adds a functional distillery to the game

Distilled – Calvados (Apple Brandy) – Adds custom drinks to the game

Distilled – Vodka – Adds custom drinks to the game


Distilled – Cognac – Adds custom drinks to the game

Breadcrumbs Floor Decal + Bird effects – Adds custom FX to the game

Water Reeds + Dragonflies Effect – Adds custom FX to the game

Sims 4 Fighting Animation – Adds custom fighting animation to the game


Functional Smoking Mod (Part 1) – Adds custom smoking animations to the game

Functional Smoking Mod (Part 2) – Adds custom smoking animations to the game

Functional Cigarette Dispenser – Adds custom object to the game

Lot Trait Outfits – Adds a selection of lot traits to the (base)game that determine the outfit category sims wear on that lot



Lot Trait Needs – Adds a selection of lot traits to the (base)game that allow you to eliminate a particular need on that lot

Lot Trait Moods – Adds a selection of lot traits to the (base)game that determine the mood sims are in on that lot

No Autonomous Clay Molding – Prevents Sims from autonomously molding clay

No Autonomous Shouting of Forbidden Words – Prevents Sims from autonomously shouting forbidden words


Sims Use the Toilet Standing Up More Often – Changes tuning to allow Sims to stand up more often when using the toilet


Phone DReplacement – Apple iPhone X – Default cell phone replacement
