The Sims 4: “Skill Boost & Motive Decay” Triple Boost Week Now Live

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For a limited time only, The Sims team has enabled a new “Triple Boost Week” within the game that allows Sims to boost Skills and slow their Motive decay at triple what the normal rate is. To help you take advantage of this is a returning NPC named Jasmine!

❗ NOTE: This event requires that you have the latest Sims 4 Game Patch

❗ This feature will only be available from Mat 24th to June 7th, 2018

Upon entering the main menu of The Sims 4, you will be greeted with a “challenge” pop-up with details on the current, limited time only, Triple Boost Week feature. This new feature allows you to take advantage of Skill Boosts and Motive Decay within the game.


To begin using this new feature, simply “Call Jasmine Holiday” via cell phone and await her arrival. Another way to find her is to head over to the local Community Garden. Once she comes knocking on the door, you can choose any of the following options:

Ask About Triple Boost Week – This option will bring up a notification bubble with a brief summary of what this feature is about and how your Sims can use it.

“I’m here to help you eat better food, stink less, and express yourself more! Ask for a boost and I’ll happily grant it for a healthy length of time. Of course, you can change your boost at any time. Just call me and ask for another. 


I have three options! You can improve your gardening and cooking skill gain – yum yum! Alternatively, you can increase your handiness, painting, and photography skill gain to help you dabble in the arts. Or perhaps you simply wish to spend more time outside? No worries, I can reduce your hunger and hygiene decay. So, what will it be?”


Request Boost – This option allows Sims to request one of three Boosts from Jasmine Holiday. Each Sim residing in a household is granted the ability to request a boost, and can change their selection as often as they’d like. Each Sim can only receive one type of boost at time. For example, changing from either boost will cancel out the current selection.

Each performance boost lasts for 6 game days, and will increase performance and decreases motives by triple the normal rate. Skill boosts can be requested by Sims Child through Elder.

  • Slow Hunger and Hygiene Decay
  • Boost Cooking and Gardening Skill Gain
  • Boost Handiness, Painting, & Photography Skill Gain

Along with the ability to gain skill at a faster rate, comes new moodlets as a direct result of being gifted each of the boosts. The following three have been added:

Hygienic Appetite (Happy +1) – With a slower rate of Hunger and reduced decrease in Hygiene, it’s a good time to jump head first into activities!

Farm to Table (Happy +1) – Every plant that’s cared for, or every homestyle meal that’s cooked will earn this Sim more skill, so get to it!


Artistic Endeavors (Happy +1) – It’s time to paint, take photos, and chisel wood. Pursuing these artistic endeavors will generate more skill!

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Editor’s Note: Triple Boost Week in The Sims 4 is basically an on and off switch for Skill and Motive cheats. For players who do not typically cheat in the game, this is a nice little boost to help ease the pain of spending hours increasing skills and keeping Sims happy.
