Origin Update: June 18th, 2018

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There’s a new update available in Origin: Version – 0

Version 10.5.21

  • The “Learn More” button for the FIFA 18 trial was super broken. Like take-you-to-an-Error-404-dead-end broken. Now it’s super fixed. Like take-you-where-you-want-to-go fixed.
  • We thought you might want to scroll through the videos and images on the Play First Trial page so we fixed the buttons that will let you do that.
  • If you’re an Origin Access member and you tried to play a Vault game offline recently you may have seen a “Your membership has ended” message. It hasn’t, so we turned that off. Sorry if we accidentally spiked your blood pressure there.
  • Warning messages only work if you see them. Now we’ve made sure you can. So the next time you try to download a game to a full hard drive or invalid folder, you’ll know why and what to do about it.
  • Did you feel a great disturbance in Origin? As if dozens of bugs suddenly cried out in terror and were just as suddenly silenced? That was entirely thanks to our brilliant engineers and not that huge space st-…we mean, moon. Definitely a moon.
