The Sims 4: Gardening Overhaul (Changes and Information)

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❗ This gardening overhaul info article was written for SimsVIP by talented community modder icemumum. Be sure to follow her on Twitter, Mod The Sims, and Tumblr!

Today’s Sims 4 Game Patch has updated the Gardening system in the game. This post will provide you with information on all the different changes made.


The new gardening overhaul has made gardening easier than before. Not only is it faster, there is also synchronization between all the plants on the lot. They now require watering, weeding and fertilizing all at the same time. To make it less time consuming and more profitable, interactions to sell the harvestables are available directly from the plant.


New gardening section – There is a gardening sort in outdoor activities in Build to make it easy to find all the gardening equipment.

Seed packets – Seed packets can now be bought from the catalog

  • Starter Flowers (§35)
  • Starter Fruits (§35)
  • Starter Herbs (§35)
  • Starter Vegetables (§35)

The following require Level 7 of the Gardening Skill

  • Farmer Flowers & Fruit (§100) 
  • Farmer Veggies & Herbs (§100) 
  • Uncommon Plants (§250) 

The following requires Level 10 of the Gardening Skill

  • Rare Plants (§1000) 

The following requires The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs Expansion

  • Catnip Herb Packet (§25)

Seed Packets can now be opened if placed on the ground. Previously the packet had to be in the inventory for them to be opened.


New interactions

Research – Requires gardening level 2. Increases gardening skill and adds a notebook entry. The notebook entry gives information about price, description, rarity, use (simoleons, food, grafting) and grafting information

Sell Harvestable – Available directly from the plant and shows the price. On hovering, it shows the number of harvestables to be sold. The sim harvests and sells it immediately


Sell All – Available directly from the plant and shows the price. The sim harvests and sells from the adjacent plants as well.


Super Sell – Available directly from the plant and shows the price. On hovering, it shows the list of the harvestables to be sold. Requires level 8. The sim harvests and sells the harvestables from a wider area compared to Sell All interaction.


Overhaul of Existing System

  • New icon for all gardening interactions
  • All plants grow faster than before.
  • All plants on the same lot require watering, weeding, fertilizing at the same time.
  • Most interactions now have an “area of effect” option at higher levels so you can garden more quickly and efficiently
  • The plants now flowers when they are ready for harvesting.

Plant Quality – Number of stages of plant quality has been reduced from 10 to 5. The UI of the quality information has been changed. The New Stages are…

  • Normal
  • Nice
  • Excellent
  • Magnificent
  • Perfect

Evolving – Now has five levels (Normal, Nice, Excellent, Magnificent, Perfect) with immediate effect.

Fertilizing , Spraying , Weeding , Watering  – These interactions are now synchronized for a single lot. The interactions become available at the same time for all plants.

Weed All – This interaction has a special animation now as the game adds a new “weed sucking” device to the game.

Harvesting – Instead of harvest, now we get a harvest ‘name of harvestable interaction

Selling – Special Harvest and sell interactions available whereby the sim harvests and sells the product immediately (see the section on New Interactions)

