There’s a new quest in The Sims Mobile! The “Countdown to Winterfest” Event is available for a limited time, giving players 5 days to complete the necessary steps that will reward them with special “Holiday Decoration” rewards.

To begin the event that helps you unlock special Holiday Decorations, select the “Quests” tab on the right side of your screen. If you do not see the “Welcoming Winterfest” quest, make sure your game is up to date and restart your game.
To complete the Countdown to Winterfest Event, you’ll have to complete 28 quests in the game. You’ll receive other additional rewards along the way, and be rewarded with the final holiday decor once you complete the final quest. Below is the list of quests (in the order they appear) that you need to complete, along with rewards and requirements.
How to Complete Each Quest (Info)
- Quest #1 – Earn 25 Simoleons
- Quest #2 – Tap 5 Sims and use the “Ask about Winterfest Spirit” interaction
- Quest #3 – Tap the TV and click the “Watch a Winterfest Prince” interaction
- Quest #4 – Click a mirror and use the “Practice Caroling” interaction thrice
- Quest #5 – Complete 3 Events
- Quest #6 – Tap a table and use the “Plan Winterfest Decorations” interaction
- Quest #7 – Earn 650 Simoleons
- Quest #8 – Tap a sofa and complete the “Cafe Caroling” event
- Quest #9 – Earn 3-stars at a Party
- Quest #10 – Tap a sofa and complete the “Winterfest Fashion” event
- Quest #11 – Give stickers to 4 Sims
- Quest #12 – Complete LlamaZoom tasks. (Returns every 4 hours)
- Quest #13 – Click on 5 Sims and use the “Give Homemade Pie” interaction
- Quest #14 – Tap a sofa and complete the “Cafe Caroling” event
- Quest #15 – Tap a table and use the “Plan to One Up Neighbors'” interaction
- Quest #16 – Complete LlamaZoom tasks. (Returns every 4 hours)
- Quest #17 – Tap 3 Sims and use the “Share Love of Winterfest Log” interaction
- Quest #18 – Tap a sofa and complete the “Winterfest Fashion” event
- Quest #19 – Tap 3 Sims and use the “Dance Winterfest Dance” interaction
- Quest #20 – Complete LlamaZoom tasks. (Returns every 4 hours)
- Quest #21 – Tap 3 Sims and use the “Give Winterfest Hug” interaction
- Quest #22 – Tap a sofa and complete the “Cafe Caroling” event
- Quest #23 – Tap the fridge and use the “Chug Eggnog” interaction
- Quest #24 – Complete LlamaZoom tasks. (Returns every 4 hours)
- Quest #25 – Earn 650 Simoleons
- Quest #26 – Tap a sofa and complete the “Winterfest Fashion” event
- Quest #27 – Tap 3 Sims and use the “Give Winterfest Present” interaction
- Quest #28 – Complete LlamaZoom tasks. (Returns every 4 hours)
Holiday Decorations & Reward Items
Each quest rewards you with a special gift box. These boxes contains special holiday decor rewards. The “Freezer Bunny Bells”, “Landgraab Strands”, and “Landgraab String Lights” are three new decor items available with this event. What you’re rewarded with is random, but you will receive additional color swatches as rewards as well.
If you don’t receive the entire color collection when completing all 28 event quests, you can click the “Chests” icon in the store to “roll the dice”. Each gift box costs 25 SimCash.
❗ If you receive a duplicate color or item, the game will convert it into 300 Simoleons
You will also receive a set of three nutcrackers as you complete the quests. These rewards will be automatically placed in your Sim’s inventory at after quests 7, 18, and 28. They are three interactions available for Sims when interacting with them.