Broken Mods for April ’19 Patch 1.51.75/1.51.77

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New Game Update 1.51.75 is out! Please backup saves and files before updating and using any untested mod.

Table of Contents

  • How to Report a Mod
    • Please use the form to submit your report(s).
  • Common Questions/Answers
    • Most common questions and their answers, please check here before posting your questions about mod status, mods not working, etc. If I don’t answer your question, then it’s likely already been answered here.
  • Compiled Mod List
    • List of mods, careers, traits, and programs in the community, check here for their status. Check the Custom Content tab for CC compatibility information!

How to Report a Mod

Please use the form below to submit your reports, this will make it easier for me and ensure that I see it. Additionally, it will be easier for you!

Creators please use this form to submit the status for your mods.

If you prefer to leave your report as a comment, you can still do so. However, please make sure to follow the guidelines below, otherwise it may get ignored.

  • Reporting a mod as Broken:

    • Before submitting a report:
      • Please make sure mods are ENABLED in your game settings.
      • Test the mod ALONE with no other mods installed.
    • Include the following information when submitting a broken mod report:
      1. Name of the Mod and Author
      2. How is the mod broken? (please be as specific as possible)
      3. Did you have any other mods installed when experiencing the issue that you’re reporting?
        • If yes, please take other mods out for testing purposes. Are you still experiencing issues with no other mods installed?
    • NOTE – The above information is to make sure that the issues you’re experiencing aren’t caused by another mod. Therefore, any broken mod report that doesn’t include this information may get ignored.
  • Reporting a mod as Compatible or Updated:

    • Name of the Mod and Author (nothing else needed).
    • Please remember, I do not list mods as Compatible unless confirmed by the creator.

Common Questions/Answers

  • Something is wrong with my game, what do I do?
    • First, move your Mods folder to your Desktop, clear your caches, then test on a NEW SAVE. Are you still experiencing the issue?
      • Yes – Then it’s likely a bug. Check the Bug Reports forum to see if it’s listed there, if it is please make sure to “Me Too” it.
      • No – Then it’s something in your Mods folder. Please do the 50/50 method to find which mod is causing it. When you find the culprit, please let us know!
  • When will <insert mod/program name here> be updated?
    • I don’t know, my Crystal Ball no longer works……Seriously though, I don’t know. Please have patience and give creators time. Remember they have lives and other priorities too!
  • Any word on <insert mod name here>?
    • If there’s no status for the mod, then there’s no word. Please keep in mind though, I don’t list or track CC (Hair, Eyes, Makeup, Skins, Objects, Re-colors, etc).
  • My <insert CC name here> doesn’t work anymore, what do I do?
    • Check the Custom Content tab, I keep a list of CC types that’s reported broken. You can also try running the current batch fixes that Sims 4 Studio includes found in Content Management > Batch Fixes.
  • Is <insert mod name> working, I can’t find on the list!?
    • Please use the Tabs and Search boxes to find your mods. So for those, try searching by the creator name. If you still can’t find it, let me know so I can add it to the list.
  • <Insert mod name> isn’t working.
    • Make sure you have the latest update. If you have the latest version, then test without any other mods/cc installed. Contact the creator if it’s still not working, be sure to include details on how exactly it isn’t working.
  • I can’t find which mod in my game broke!

Compiled Mod List

Note to Mod Users – Please do not use this list to tell creators that their mod is broke. They know when they need to update their mods (we have tools that we use to check), so please have patience.
Note to Mod Creators – Please remember this list simply serves as a guideline based on community reports. The only way I can 100% guarantee the status is correct is if it comes from you. Status posts on your mod pages or websites will greatly help in keeping the status of your mods accurate. Please let me know if your mod has the wrong status and I will be happy to fix it.


– These mods have been reported as broken. They may need updated!

Updated – Theses mods received an update for the current patch. Re-download needed!

Compatible – Confirmed working by the creator. They do NOT need an update, you can continue using them.

Obsolete – These mods are no longer needed or they’re broken and no longer being supported.

**Any mod that doesn’t have a status is Unknown**

NOTE – If you are having an issue with a mod that’s listed as Updated or Compatible, please report it to the creator! Mods listed as Compatible or Updated, will NOT be changed back to Broken without confirmation from the creator!

♦ Use Ctrl+F to find your Mod and/or Author.

♦ Additionally, you can use the link below to open the list in Google Sheets. Then to sort it to your liking:
Click on Data > Filter Views.. then just select Sort by Creator, Mod Name, or Mod Status.

SimsVIP Mod List in Google Sheets

[tab name=”Mods”]

[tab name=”Custom Content”]

Custom Content – objects, clothes, hair, makeup, re-colors, etc. This is NOT a compiled list as the mods are because there is WAY too much out there! This is just a general list:

      • Broken Names for CC (a patch is supposed to release on Friday to fix this, see below)


[tab name=”Programs”]


