The Sims 4: Using the bb.showliveeditobjects Cheat To Unlock New Objects

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The July 2019 game patch has added a special cheat code that unlocks 1000+ environment objects in the game. These items were not previously available, and only found withing the different worlds as world-only items. Starting today, players can unlock the additional items to add a bit more flair to their builds and the world.

To begin using these new items, you first need to unlock them. Keep in mind that there are reports that the cheat is not working as intended, so there may be some trial and error.


❗ The new environment objects are not tagged with any special icons or filters.

Unlocking Environment Objects Only

  1. Open the Cheat Console and enter testingcheats true
  2. With the cheat console open, type bb.showliveeditobjects
  3. Hit the search icon (magnifying glass) in buy mode and the environment objects will be available once you scroll past the regular catalog items.

Unlocking Environment and DEBUG Objects

  1. Open the Cheat Console and enter testingcheats true
  2. With the cheat console open, type bb.showliveeditobjects
  3. With the cheat console open, type bb.showhiddenobjects
  4. Hit the search icon (magnifying glass) in buy mode and the environment objects will be available once you scroll past the regular catalog items. Search “DEBUG” to bring up all the debug items.

Unlocking Environment, DEBUG, and Locked Career Objects

  1. Open the Cheat Console and enter testingcheats true
  2. With the cheat console open, type bb.showliveeditobjects
  3. With the cheat console open, type bb.showhiddenobjects
  4. With the cheat console open, type bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement
  5. Hit the search icon (magnifying glass) in buy mode and the environment objects will be available once you scroll past the regular catalog items. Search “DEBUG” to bring up all the debug items. Career rewards will now be selectable.
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Cheats must to be re-entered each and every time you exit and re-enter buy mode.
