The Sims 4 on Xbox & PlayStation 4: New Game Patch (December 5th, 2019)

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There’s a Sims 4 update available for players on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. To check out all patch notes and updates for The Sims 4 on console, bookmark our console archives.

Update: 12/05/2019 – v1.20

Your Sims have lectures to attend so they can take their education to the next level in Discover University. While your Sims wait on the first semester in just a few days time we have plenty of other content and changes for you to dig into.


New lots, rooms and households are waiting for you in My Library thanks to the Sims Community’s creativity and sharing nature.

What’s New?
Multi Story Columns
These columns reach up to the sky, or up to the ceiling, that’s up to you. Just go into the build catalog, place a column, grab the handle at the top, and drag it up and down to re-size. Some have a maximum size, others however… they might just be the tallest thing on your lot.

New Clothing
We have updated the Holiday Celebration Pack with some new child and toddler clothing! In CAS you’ll see a new childrens male top, childrens female top, and childrens winter boots! Toddlers have a new outfit for males, a new outfit for females, and some shoes! Or open up the Styled Looks, where SimGuruMorgan created some great new looks with the content!


The Hip Hop Radio Station is now available even if you don’t have Get Famous! While the radio station is available to everyone, the Get Famous specific music will still need Get Famous to be played.

We’ve added the following songs as part of this update:

Performed by Ari Lennox
Written by Courtney Salter, Damon Coleman, Ron Gilmore, Jr., Anthony Parrino and Galt MacDermot
Published by Ari Lennox Publishing Designee (BMI), Damon Coleman Publishing Designee, Ron Gilmore Music (BMI), Kobalt Music Services America o/b/o Elite That’s Me Publishing and Third Side America o/b/o MacDermot Music
Contains a sample of “Space” by Galt MacDermot
Recording courtesy of Dreamville/Interscope Records under license from Universal Music Enterprises and Third Side Music o/b/o Kilmarnock Records

“Big Moe”
Performed by Beau Young Prince
Written by Jaimy Lageweg and Beau Young
Published by Jailo Music and Rough Trade Songs
Recording courtesy of Def Jam Recordings under license from Universal Music Enterprises


Performed by Ceraadi
Written by Emaza Gibson, Saiyr Gibson and Troy Johnson
Published by Emaza Gibson Publishing Designee, Saiyr Gibson Publishing Designee and Sony/ATV Tunes o/b/o Margetts Road Music/Noni Zuri Music
Recording courtesy of Roc Nation under license from Universal Music Enterprises

“Good Life”
Performed by RDGLDGRN & Vanela
Written by David Lichens, Pierre Desrosiers, Andrei Busuioceanu, Daniela Facchiano and Marcus Parham
Published by Songs of Kobalt Music Publishing o/b/o Fungai Music (BMI) and Warner Chappell
Recording courtesy of RDGLDGRN

“Block List”
Performed by Rico Nasty
Written by Maria Kelly and Mark Nilan
Published by Kobalt Music Services America o/b/o Artist Publishing Group West (ASCAP)/Artist 101 Publishing Group (BMI)
Recording courtesy of APG/Atlantic Recording Corp. by arrangement with Warner Music Group Video Game Licensing


Written and Performed by DJDTP

General Issues

  • Sims that dislike Fruitcake no longer react negatively to all other food. On the other hand, Sims that like Fruitcake no longer will react positively to Poor Quality foods.
  • Grab Meal or Give Food for all ages will now fulfill the hunger needs completely.
  • Spoiled visual effect now will go away on servings from coffee and tea pots.
  • Sims will now place grilled food on the table appropriately instead of their inventory.
  • Fresh drinks are now available on the drink tray (for those who own Spa Day and/or Backyard Stuff). “Grab drink” from drink tray functions and will no longer give you an incorrect message.
  • Households populated in the “Other Households” tab in Manage Worlds can no longer be composed of just a Child.
  • Idle Sims will no longer drink water excessively. Remember, Responsible hydration!
  • Skin details no longer go away when randomizing Sim features other than the “Face” or “All” categories.
  • NPC Sims that are not Gardeners will no longer remove Wild Plants from lots autonomously.
  • Rare and uncommon harvestables will now be produced at higher rates when splicing.
  • Sims will no longer leave the dining table after they’ve started having their meal when using the “Call to Meal” interaction.
  • Selected tattoos in Create A Sim will no longer automatically reapply clothing.
  • Fixed an issue in which Sims were not able to wash dishes or use the dishwasher if there were shelving units above the sink or the dishwasher.
  • Child Sims will no longer have their eyebrow color changed to Brown when they are set to Blond. Unless you decide that’s what you want.
  • Fixed an issue that made Adult Sims constantly change outfits while Taking a Shower, and then giving a Bath to Toddlers.
  • Fixed an issue which made the option “Put here” not available when holding Pets and Toddlers.
  • Fixed an issue which made Paying Bills via Phone not be fulfilled if Simmers queued any other action before it would complete.
  • Moving a wall will no longer delete objects on a separate shelf when bb.moveobjects cheat is used. Did you know, you can use bb.moveobjects without disabling Achievements and Trophies?
  • Fixed an issue in which Toddlers that had maxed out their skills were not receiving the Top Notch Trait when aging up.
  • Claiming a bed is now exclusive to one Sim. Now Sims can sleep in their own bed without disturbance or worry about another Sim using their bed.
  • Toddler Traits are no longer visible after aging.
  • Success Lineage Aspiration can now be completed once appropriate conditions are met.
  • Vendors will no longer use your Sims’ fireplace as an imaginary portal to mysterious places.
  • Emotional sculpture thumbnail in sims inventory and world appearance are now visually the same.
  • “Get Married to…” whim now complete when you actually get married. Achievement Unlocked!
  • Sims now are more diligent in putting back their books in the bookshelf and/or bookcase.
  • Focused Sims can now go back to hacking work process when they reach level 6.
  • Sims that randomly decided to cosplay and have pointy ears will now revert back to their normal elves… I mean selves!
  • Nature’s Welcome Arch gate will no longer have metal gate audio.
  • Catching fish with excellent quality will now count toward the “Make 6 Great Catches” task of the Angling Ace Aspiration.
  • Creating stairs to the second floor of a raised block will no longer need a drop wall to support it for Sims to be able to route on it.
  • Sims are now able to route into their home after using terrain manipulation tools in their home lot.
  • Sims are no longer collecting items in their inventories without your permission.
  • Sims will now autonomously interact with each other if one is sitting down and the other is standing.
  • Move lot will no longer inadvertently unhide stairs, specifically stairs above the first floor.
  • Updated Muslim inspired assets so clipping is not apparent below the Sims’ chin.
  • Updated Apron tops to look smoother.
  • Sims are now less considerate and do not congratulate their romantic partners when they find a new romantic partner.
  • Send Geo Council for collectables will no longer require you to send your computer with it.
  • Glass roof created on the ground should now be routable (as long as there is an entryway built into it).
  • Randomize Twin in Create-a-Sim will carry user-manipulated ears and nose over to the twin.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause interactions to get stuck in the queue.
  • Selling Normal quality Mystery novels will now give you money in return.
  • Sims that despise each other and have no romantic relationship will no longer greet each other with a passionate kiss.
  • Child sit-to-stand transitions for toddler bed and lounge chair exhibit less clipping.
  • Perk and trait buffs will now persist through travel.
  • Drop walls from stairs will now fill in when terrain is manipulated below the stairs.
  • Sims’ Inventory will no longer reset and jump to the top while in use.
  • Hover Tip for Electrified Artist updated to proper text.
  • Fixed an issue in which railings were clipping into the walls.
  • Railings on extended landing do not have missing posts or different looking sections.
  • Drawn on eyebrow thumbnail will no longer show incorrect swatch.
  • Music artist names in the Music Game Options are no longer cut off.
  • Collared jean jacket will clip less with various hair styles.
  • Fence posts are now updated when terrain manipulation occurs.
  • Sims are now able to do Check Toddler interaction while swimming.
  • Steps in enclosed courtyard will no longer auto delete a part of your staircase.
  • Take a Vacation day and Call in Sick are no longer available options when Sims are already on vacation.
  • Configuring a U shape staircase to another floor will cause the stair cause to lose some steps no more!
  • Teen Sims will no longer get adult Woohoo buff.
  • Park Cub table can now be put in the inventory.
  • Wall Height icon in the description text in Build Mode will now the appropriate wall height.

Get to Work

  • Patient Sims that are referred to the surgery table will no longer leave in the middle of surgery.
  • Sims can no longer simultaneously have two occult types. Specifically Vampire and Aliens. Although Vampire Aliens sounds like a great B-movie waiting to happen.
  • Copy interaction is now available on Cookbooks and Mixology books.
  • Book Covers do not change when you place them on retail display.

Get Together

  • Steam will no longer accumulate in rooms above indoor swimming pools, or natural pools, built with vents.
  • Club panel text field size has been increased to accommodate longer text.

City Living

  • NPC Sims that attend Festivals are no longer seen in not festival appropriate outfits.
  • Fixed an issue that Simmers with Outdoor Retreat and City Living didn’t have the “Ask to Cloudgaze” interaction available in San Myshuno apartments.
  • Fixed an issue that didn’t allow the camera to zoom in properly when looking at lots at their basement level.
  • Updating the pricing of counter and cabinets to be more consistent with the rest of the Build Mode catalog.
  • Promote Cause Daily Tasks will now be fulfilled with the Promote Policies Interaction.

Cats & Dogs

  • Fixed an issue in which all stray dogs were large dogs. Now they can be all sizes.
  • Lighthouse Woohoo spot is back in business.
  • Sims are able to complete crafting pet medicine with Marketable trait.
  • Quickly Update your Dr. Magi-Heal’s Surger-o-matic 3000 with an instant upgrade.
  • A jacket blazer now layers better with bottoms.
  • Dogs will no longer try to put the cat wand away when they can’t and stretch into a mystical form.
  • Mix breed cat function in Create a Sim has been fixed.


  • Child and Teen Sims are now spawning to knock on doors during the holiday season with trick or treat.
  • Hot and Cold outfit categories will no longer filter tattoos upon re-entry.
  • Fixed an issue in which rewards from the Scout after school activity were not being awarded properly.
    • The reward will now appear in the Sims’ Inventory, instead of being unlocked in Build Mode.
  • GeekCon festivals should see less rainy days than before, good news for the electronics.
  • Fixed an issue in which Sims were able “Rake Leaves” in their Home Lot while Sims were far from leaves to rake.
  • Social events put in calendar are now functional and will trigger.
  • Scouts offer a valuable service and while they’ll always be special, they won’t be quite as shiny or lit like they are at a disco.

Get Famous

  • Sims employed in any career will no longer be prompted to miss work, or end their shift early, when work hours coincide with visits from Sims that were given a residence key.
  • Have Sim Dance at the Same Time goal at the Fan Meet and Greet Event can now be completed when you have your Sims and other Sims dance at the same time.
  • Talent Showcase events will no longer sometimes occur on an invalid location.
  • Text was updated to hover tip for Action Vol 3 purchase book picker.
  • Jet visual effect will now display properly when streaming from a drone.
  • Tooltip text for Quality description of videos created by the video station is now colored purple.
  • Sims Radio too loud? You can adjust the radio volume now after listening to the music you created on the Mix Master Music Production Station.

Island Living

  • Uninvited Sims will no longer appear when attending Kava Parties on lots with the “Private Dwelling” Lot Trait.
    • My Kava, My party.
  • Beach Venues lots can now be selected for Sims to go on dates.
  • Fixed an issue in which samples taken from Sulani to fulfill Conservation career tasks were disappearing from the Sim Inventory after analyzing said samples.
  • Fixed an issue in which the “Dried Scales” buff would not disappear after Mermaids fulfilled their hydration needs.
  • Fixed an issue with Mermaid Children that did not allow them to Take Baths INSIDE bathtubs.
    • Why they needed a bath when they live in the ocean, we’re still figuring that out.
  • Traditional Sarong asset will not clip with tops as much.
  • Fixed an issue that made aged up Mermaid Teen Sims have their Mermaid Tails disappear in Create a Sim and while Swimming.
  • Career Promotions for Conservationist can still occur after reaching level 10.
  • Bulldozing waterfront lots in Island Living will now not remove terrain paint.
  • Goggles no longer create an awkward shadow that do not make sense.
  • Did you know, you can store an uncracked coconut at room temperature for about four months? Me either but I had to share that with you. Anyway, now your Sims can now store coconuts away in the fridge.
  • Human Sims no longer will think they are Mermaids by swimming like them when swimming laps.
  • Promotion task is marked completed when Sims have a diving knife.
  • Sims can now release the fish back into the ocean.
  • Updated rental options to not exist in Sulani.
  • Sims with Master Chef Trait do not make spoil food anymore.
  • Sunkiss buff will now have the appropriate icon.
  • Rounded blocks will no longer have missing stilts
  • Blueprint placement for lots with floor lights will no longer place them underneath structure and float. Gravity is more realistic.
  • Stilt foundation shadows now appear properly.
  • A TV stand missing in search bar will now appear. You didn’t know what you were missing out on when using search… or you did know and now it’s fixed!
  • Some furniture items that did not appear on the cursor from Build Mode will now appear.
  • Burnt visual effects no longer appear on lot terrain when there is fire on homes with stilt foundations.
  • Mermaid Sims will do their special swim idle when performing Mermaid interactions.
  • Mermaid Sims that have been turned into skeletons can now take a bath.
  • Set favorite watercraft will now set correct one to favorite.
  • Island Welcome Wagon will now continue to hold Kava bowls to give to your Household instead of placing it on the ground when it rains.

Dine Out

  • Fixed textures for a few Experimental Dishes.
    • Don’t you hate it when you order something and it looks nothing like the picture on the menu even if it is experimental? The chef will put extra effort into getting closer with the Glazed Heirloom Bamboo Roll, Space Taco with Pearled Egg Core, and Free Range Sixam Pit Beast.
  • Restaurant signs no longer have an odd bounding box shadow around it. It’ll be well rounded.


  • Vampire Sims will no longer get scolded if they drink plasma from Sims even though they had been granted permission to do so.
  • Options from the Face category in Create A Sim are no longer missing for Vampire Sims when using the Change Sim interaction.
  • Vampires have adjusted to daylight savings now and are awake when you invite them to hang out.


  • Adult Sims are less likely to autonomously watch Kids Network if Toddlers/Children/Teens aren’t nearby. At least that’s what they’ll be telling everyone else.

Realm of Magic

  • Spellcasters with the Bloodline trait will no longer have their rank reset if they reach the Virtuoso rank.
  • Potions can now be sold for Simoleons. KA-CHING!
  • Fixed an issue which allowed the Emotional Stability Potion to remove certain buffs from Sims unintentionally.
  • Fixed an issue where the Spellbinding Tile wall pattern was displaying duplicate swatch colors in Build Mode.
  • Cooking and Brewing in cauldron will no longer change sell price in build mode.
  • Drinking animation is performed by Sims when Sims drink potion of curse cleaning to remove curse.
  • Animation for the teleport is no longer getting cut off.
  • Orb Familiars will not pop and jump from their locations while following their Sims out of water.
  • Two necklaces were updated to improve capability with other Create A Sims assets.
  • Trouser texture will no longer appear on the top of a pair of boots.
  • Bicep bracelet is now shown properly in Create A Sim thumbnail.

Cool Kitchen Stuff

  • Removed “Get Leftovers” option for ice cream since it was never intended. I mean, who leaves ice-cream leftovers anyway?

Spooky Stuff

  • Spooky Party will now count towards the Party Animal Aspiration.

Moschino Stuff

  • Fixed an issue where the game would freeze while in Photo Mode. When we told the model freeze that pose, we didn’t expect it to go quite so far.

  • Sims that you have not met will no longer appear in the Sims selector when triggering Take photo of.
