For each issue of Mod News we will bring you important news and information that mod users should know. This includes:
- Mod/CC News – Overview on what broke with the last patch. Any other news about Mods/CC that we feel you should know. Additionally, we’ll let you know of any updates that popular mods like MCCC, Wicked Whims, etc has received.
- Creator News – News on creators, if they’re on hiatus, retiring, etc.
- New Mods – Compiled list of recently released mods.
Be sure to use the Mod News category tag for future reference.
Mod/CC News
♦ Patch News ♦
We had a patch on January 16th for the Tiny Living Stuff Pack. Some mods needed an updated so be sure to check the links below.
♦ Mod Updates ♦
Always check for updates to your mods after patches. Even if a mod seems to work, sometimes it still needs updated. Here’s some info and links to help you keep your mods up-to-date:
- Mod the Sims – If you download mods from MTS, there’s a very easy way to see if you have the latest version of any mod that you downloaded from there:
- Click on My Links in the upper-right corner and select My Downloads. This shows a list of everything that you’ve downloaded from MTS, including when it was last updated and if you have the latest update. Very handy!
- Programs
- Sims 4 Studio – Last updated January 28th to
- Popular Mod Updates (public versions only)
- Basemental Drugs – Last updated January 18th to 4.10.116.
- MCCC – Last updated November 27th to 6.6.3 (Still Compatible with January patch).
- Wicked Whims *NSFW* – Last updated January 29th to v150c.
- UI Cheats Extension – Last updated January 18th to v1.16.2.
- More Updated Mods
- Please make sure to check Luthrienrising’s Broken/Updated Mod list on the official forums to make sure you have the latest updates from all of your favorite creators! Additionally, you can check Sasha’s Mod Tracker.
❗ Never download mods from sites that host other people’s work without the creators permission. It’s disrespectful to the original creators to support sites like that because they try to profit from it by making you pay to not wait for the file that they didn’t even create. Plus, they’re not guaranteed working versions.
Creator News
No new Creator News for January. Please check previous Monthly Mod News posts for news that still applies.
New Mods
Please keep in mind that this may not be a complete list. Also, if the same mod is created by two different modders, the one created first will be listed.
❗ Please note that installing 3rd party content may cause problems with your game. It is a good idea to properly research the use of mods and custom content before putting them into your game.
❗ While EA unofficially supports the modding community, they will not be held liable should any 3rd party content damage your PC or game.
❗ This list is here for informational purposes only. SimsVIP does not assume any liability should 3rd party content damage your PC or game.
❗ Always remember to remove mods and custom content before updating your game. Do NOT add mods back in unless they’re confirmed compatible.
♦ Gameplay Mods ♦
- Age Manipulator – Adds new spell to change a Sims age.
- Assignable Tents – Allows you to Assign tents just like you would for any bed.
- Attacking Dragon Loading Screen – Loading screen replacement.
- Crafting Time: Woodworking Time Tweaks – Adjusts the time it takes to craft on the Woodworking table.
- Drinks Energy Overhaul – Adjusts energy gain when having drinks.
- Faster university graduation – Changes the number of credit hours to graduate.
- Father Winter As Santa: A Default Replacement – Replaces the blue Father Winter outfit.
- Grim Reaper Default Replacement – Makes the default Grim Reaper creepier.
- Harry Potter Spell and Potion Name Replacer – Renames potions and spells to be those from The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
- Higher Club Wealth Tiers – Increases the tiers for Financial Status filters in the Club system.
- Incognito Spell – This mod adds a new “Incognito” spell that allows Spellcasters to equip a magical disguise.
- Invisible Slot Filler- Freely Place Objects On Surfaces! – With this object, you simply fill every available slot on a surface, and are free to place things on it how you please.
- Lead to status – Adds new “Lead to Status” spell that changes any Sims mood to a mood of your choosing.
- Less Intrusive Conversations – Modifies Sims behavior of joining into ongoing conversations.
- Mermaid Tails Available for All Sims! – Makes mermaid tails available for all Sims, including other occults.
- More Interactions Unlocked – Unlocks some of the games interactions that are normally locked to specific age groups and more.
- More Realistic Uni Fees – Increases the fee-per-class for university degrees.
- More Realistic Uni Scholarships – Increases the scholarships from university.
- More Spell is Fun – Adds more custom spells for your Spellcasters.
- No Murphy Bed Death – Eliminates Death By Murphybed.
- No more bassinet! – Put your babies anywhere you please.
- No More Celebrities Reacting In Disgust – Sims will no longer autonomously “React in Disgust”.
- No! Sleep after Woohoo! – Your sims will never autonomously sleep after they woohoo regardless of how tired they are.
- Real Snowflakes Override – Overrides the default snowflakes in the game to be more realistic.
- Sims Brush Teeth Faster – Self-explanatory.
- Sinks With Slots – Adds slots to sinks.
- Sky Loading Screens – Loading screen replacements.
- Soccer Ball Tense Fix – Fix for Sims getting tense when playing with the soccer ball.
- Swim Around in Pools – The “Swim Around” interaction available for pools.
- Teens and Adults Can Play on Playgrounds – Teens and Adults can now play and hangout on playground equipment.
- The Crystal of Corruption (Rite of Dissolution Crystal) – Remove your Sim’s Spellcaster Status without having to go talk to the Sages in the Magical Realm.
- Tiny Home Nerfs – Alters the bonuses for Tiny Home lots so that they are less ridiculously overpowered and more situational.
- Tiny Homes – Changed Tile Limits – Changes the tile limits of your tiny homes and each tier that comes with it.
- Tiny Living Lot Traits enabled – Enabled the hidden Lot Traits and adds their features as hidden Buffs instead of the original visible Tiny Home Buffs.
- Toddler Idle Fixes And Safer Murphy Beds – Toddler Fixes and changes the Death by Murphybed to work liked Electrocution.
- Toilets With Slots – Adds slots to toilets.
- Unflirty Trait – Less Annoying – Unflirty Sims now will be less flirty than other sims.
- University Homework – Progress Bar Fix – Fixes the progress bar for University homework not filling properly.
- Unlimited Dishwasher – Put in as many single dishes as you want without waiting for the dishwasher to finish.