The Sims 4 on Xbox & PlayStation 4: New Game Patch (February 4th, 2020)

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There’s a Sims 4 update available for players on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. To check out all patch notes and updates for The Sims 4 on console, bookmark our console archives.

Update: 02/04/2020 – V1.22

The Sims is another year older and here we are with a big update full of new content and fixes. As if the Gallery in the last update wasn’t big enough on its own. As there is so much to go through, lets dig straight in…


What’s New?
The Child Statue makes its grand appearance across consoles

The Music
The following music has been added to the alternative station:

Performed by Dayglow
Written by Sloan Struble
Copyright Control
Recording courtesy of AWAL Digital Ltd.

Performed by girl in red
Written by Marie Ulven
Copyright Control
Recording courtesy of AWAL Recordings

“prom dress”
Performed by mxmtoon
Produced by Robin Skinner & mxmtoon
Written by Maia M-T
Published by Songtrust Music Publishing
Recording courtesy of mxmtoon LLC under exclusive license to House Arrest/The Orchard
By Arrangement with Bank Robber Music

“Win You Over”
Performed by Whethan & Bearson feat. SOAK
Written by Ethan Snoreck, Jakob Bjørn Hansen, Birdie Monds-Watson, Anthony Whiting and Emily Phillips
Published by Whethan Publishing/These Are Pulse Songs (BMI) c/o Pulse Publishing Administration, Next Wave Music Publishing, Universal – PolyGram Int. Tunes, Inc. on behalf of Universal Music Publishing Ltd., Universal Music Corp. on behalf of itself and PW Arrangements, and Domino Publishing Company USA (ASCAP)
Whethan appears courtesy of Atlantic Recording Corp.
SOAK appears courtesy of Rough Trade Records
Recording courtesy of Ultra Records LLC

General Issues

  • Fixed an issue where Nice or High Quality harvestables would disappear from Sims’ inventories after Travel or Save/Load.
  • Fixed an issue where Freelancer Career tasks would not complete after Sims would Travel.
  • Fixed an issue in which the game would jump to Ultra Speed randomly when some Service NPC, specifically Maids, were on the Lot. Talk about speed cleaning!
  • Photo frames used within Gallery Uploads would not retain their chosen color once those lots were downloaded from The Gallery. They’ve been properly chastised and will listen to you now.
  • Freelancer gigs can now complete and/or update accordingly while on Vacation. So if you want to work while you vacay I guess you can now. Sucker.
  • Fixed an issue where two “Tuck In” interactions were able to be selected when Children slept on any bed.
  • Sims that were seated at a 6 seat round table can now clean up the dishes.
  • Child Sims will now be able to enjoy Quick Meals again!
  • Fixed an issue where Sims didn’t write a genre book when “Write Genre Book” was selected.
  • Multiple duplicate interactions should no longer appear in pie menus when you have certain objects in your inventory.
    • Some example interactions that were reported: “Play Fetch”, ”Give Potion”, “Blackmail”, “Scan Here”. The LastException related to this issue should also be fixed.
  • The Jet Set Luxury Bath was listed as being Unbreakable when but Sims took that as a challenge and broke it. It has been recalled and fixed so now it truly is unbreakable.
  • Speaking of Unbreakable, we fixed an issue with Hot Tubs and Stereos where unbreakable upgrades would not work if these objects were in use when upgrading them.
    • Still not sure a stereo and hot tub are the best combo from a safety perspective
  • Fixed an issue in which some Sims could stand on, or walk through solid objects.
    • Specifically Baby Bassinets…
  • Adding a Sim to an existing household via the Create a Sim Stories feature will no longer subtract Simoleons from the household.
  • You can now extinguish a fire, even if the fire is within another object.
    • This could occur if a large object caught fire. You would have to wait until the fire spread outside the bounds of the large object in order to extinguish it.
  • Sims can now Scrap the unfinished paintings of visiting Sims
    • Artistic types can be so rude, just leaving their unfinished work for you to clear up
  • Light intensity will no longer reset when setting Auto Lights options
  • Fixed an issue which made the item Tiny Globe & Sycee of the Prosperous Moon appear twice in Build Mode
  • Half Wall Trim can now be applied to half walls on all levels of your lot
  • Fixed an issue that caused Lots downloaded from The Gallery to be placed backwards and not being able to rotate them to an appropriate view
  • Households downloaded from The Gallery should now have their starting funds set to the correct amount, and not just the base 20,000 Simoleons
  • Child Sims will no longer receive Whims related to workouts
  • Walls no longer disappear when Taking a Photo in a Basement level room that does not have a staircase
  • Fixed an issue in which Hygiene was not being resolved when Taking a Shower on any Bathtub and Shower Combo
  • Bookshelves will no longer have the option to purchase University books if you do not own Discover University
  • Sims will no longer flicker on and off the landing pad, when in the Rocket Ship using the WooHoo or Try for Baby interactions
  • Sims in the Supreme Villain career working on the mischief interaction task can now use the Slablet to Troll the Forums to complete the task
  • Small rugs can no longer be placed over the cutouts created by stairs
  • Caterer Sims will now be able to make a Cake and complete their Party event goals

Get Together

  • Toddlers will now route appropriately when selecting ‘Plan Outfit’ on Closets. Well, as appropriately as those slow little Sims move anyway

Get To Work

  • Aliens will now display selected options for Eyebrows and Beards accurately in Create A Sim.
  • Fixed an issue where Scientist Sims would record their findings in Notebooks twice.
  • Fixed an issue where Scientist Sims would record their findings in Notebooks twice.
    • Oh wait, now I see where they picked up that habit.
  • We addressed an issue that could prevent Sims from not being able to ring up customers who attempt to purchase from the warming rack.
  • Some boots, along with the Sims feet, were disappearing when the camera was zoomed all the way out. This should no longer occur.
  • The “Refer for Surgical Treatment” interaction is now available on surgery tables that have had their color altered with the bb.enablefreebuild cheat.

City Living

  • There were a number of confusing situations that arose as a result of Invites your Sims would receive. In some cases these would appear as two invites for the same event, one that was the “hey, I just wanted you to know” invite, and the other would be the real invite.
    • Some Sims just want you to know that their invite was coming by sending a pre-invite I guess.
  • Sims with the Shrewd reward trait weren’t as shrewd as they thought they were. We have restored their shrewd’ness and they should now actually receive the money they so rightfully shrewded away at the end of each week.
    • We blame it on bad investments, the cd market apparently didn’t mean compact discs.
  • Fixed an issue in which some shirts in Create A Sim would not tuck in appropriately into skinny jeans.


  • Sims can now complete New Year resolutions on any lot, and not just their home lots.
  • The Lottery Holiday is back in your calendars! It should not be a surprise disappearing act any longer.
  • Solved an issue with swimwear that made it display incorrectly and no one wants a swimsuit malfunction!
  • We spoke to the Holiday Gnomes and they have agreed to stop dropping seed packets if your Sims are not on Lot when the Holiday ends.
    • They wanted to spread holiday cheer… or they were attempting to bring about the end of Simanity, and usher in a new world order. Tomayto, tomahto.
  • Fixed an issue where Weather would affect items inside buildings.
  • Flower Bunny’s contract has been renewed for them to appear on any Holiday or Tradition that they are scheduled to.
  • Mandrake and Valerian Root plants are now able to be planted indoors when it is Too Cold if Simmers have Realm of Magic installed.
  • Holiday Gnomes will no longer break Unbreakable objects when having a negative relationship with them.
    • We don’t know what was done to make them angry, but even as magical as they are, they should not be breaking the Unbreakable.
  • The pedestal gnome will no longer spawn as part of the Harvestfest gnomes tradition.

Get Famous

  • Married Celebrity Sim Couples will no longer React in Disgust with each other then they enter the same room.
    • They are just B-list celebrities though, can you blame them?
  • Household members will no longer react to members with Pristine Reputation every time they travel together.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Recording a Product Review to fail if the Sim had previously interrupted a review by traveling to another Lot.
  • The Well Suited and G.R.A.N. talent agencies are back in business! Gigs from these agencies will now display appropriately.
  • Super Speed 3 should now work when Sims sleep in their Sleeping Pods and have a pet.
  • Actor Sims can now Check Open Auditions properly when returning from Work. Get that bread! Be a starving artist no more!
  • Sims’ Acting Gigs Career Panel will now get updated properly on performing tasks. Credit for your work? Imagine that!

Island Living

  • Fixed an issue where Odd Jobs tasks were not able to be completed.
  • Fixed an issue where Conch Shells were not able to be put in Sims’ Inventories.
  • Sims can now see their recorded findings in the Notification Wall when performing “Examine Water Thoughtfully” on the Fishing Board.
  • Released Fish will actually be released back into the water and not be stored in Sims’ Inventory.

Discover University

  • Sims will no longer be accused of cheating on their coursework or homework if they don’t actually cheat.
  • Term Presentations should not have missing interactions any longer
  • We addressed some feedback that getting A’s was too easy. Please be aware that your Sim will have to complete the coursework in order to consistently get good grades
  • Students will no longer autonomously taunt each other about University Superiority unless they’re at the Game Day organization event or have one of these traits: Childish, Evil, Hot-Headed, and Bro
  • Please be aware that a Sim’s hunger, energy, and bladder motives will no longer refill on their own just before class
  • Fixed an issue in which Enhancing Utility Bots would get cancelled inappropriately
  • Roommates should no longer Bring Food home every time they return
    • Although I wouldn’t turn it down if they did
  • Sims can now Turn Off Computer Glasses when moving to other neighborhoods
  • Sims that complete the debate showdown, will once again be able to change into their other outfits
  • Term Papers will now always count toward the course’s final grades
  • Fixed an issue where the following Build Mode items were not able to be placed on the LearnWell Desk: Lex Light By Dex Pix, Q-Bik Tabletop Mood Light, and Great Gramps’ Light can now be placed properly
  • Fixed an issue where “The Secret Society Masks” were not being unlocked in Create A Sim
  • The shower wall will no longer turn on when a Sim attempts to repair it
  • Active Sims should no longer get the “Not Enough Exercise” tense buff if they have enrolled in the Soccer Fútbol after school activity, or choose to juggle a soccer fútbol ball
  • Sims must now meet all of the promotion requirements in order to be promoted in the Education Career
  • Attempting to interact with a bike rider should no longer cause your Sim to route fail when performing the interaction
  • The Make Offering to Sprites interaction should no longer be unavailable if you only have harvestables in your inventory
  • Reaching level 5 of the Law Career now correctly unlocks the lawyer suits for your Sim in Create a Sim
  • Bots enhanced to level 3 will no longer automatically enhance to level 4 upon activation
  • Interacting with a Sim riding a bike will no longer cause the Sim, your Sim, the bike, parts of the world, or any other potential object or thing to disappear
  • Inviting your professor to hangout will now actually have the professor arrive to hangout
  • Servo can now complete the StrangerVille story
  • Servo Fun and Social motive descriptions no longer incorrectly refer to Servo as a Sim
  • Bicycles can now be searched for in Build Mode by using the term “bike”
  • ExoMech suit can be worn by teen Sims, and are visible too
  • Sims already wearing a helmet, will no longer change into another helmet to ride a bike
  • Sims in the same household will now automatically know the others degree program
  • Sims will no longer receive multiple signing bonuses from degree relevant careers. Only one signing bonus is awarded in any seven day period
  • Woohoo in Shower will no longer give fame
  • “Chat About Scandalous Lawsuit” now provides fun
  • Choosing to cancel the Practice Presentation interaction will now cancel the interaction
  • Servos can no longer get sick
  • Servos can no longer purchase the Seldom Sleepy reward trait
  • Sims on probation can now be asked to study with
  • Sims should no longer route fail when attempting to take a Pregnancy test in a bathroom stall
  • Asking the Repo Person to not take your stuff will now provide you a Text Notification as to whether or not you had an impact on the Repo Person’s decision
  • Sprites no longer appear around the Sim after the buff expires after leaving the Secret Society
  • Sims will no longer see the option to remove Robo Arm when choosing to remove Computer Glasses
  • Fixed an issue in which the option to Pay Student Loans was available even though students had enough Simoleons to cover their Tuition
  • Sims can now be warned about losing scholarships if they choose to withdraw from the term
  • Some lots were unloadable in Britechester and made the game unresponsive. That should no longer be the case

Outdoor Retreat

  • Sims can now roast at a campfire without needing a seating object nearby
  • A visual issue was resolved where highlighting the Granite Falls Blossom would result in a strange texture for Simmers who had StrangerVille installed.

Spa Day

  • Fixed an issue where Sims did not have the option to “Take Bath with Soaks” and “Take Mud Bath” on Showertubs.
  • Sims can now again get massages autonomously at Spas.

Dine Out

  • NPC Sims will now eat more at Restaurants.
  • Photos taken of Experimental Foods will now display correctly when put into frames.
  • Food was sometimes not able to be ordered or delivered when the game was exited or reloaded from the Main Menu.


  • “Influence Emotions” interaction will no longer be available to Vampires that have not yet unlocked this perk

Jungle Adventure

  • Several objects were not properly being found when using color filters. These should be filterable now


  • StrangerVille music has been added to the Lin-Z Smart Speaker

Realm of Magic

  • Two ‘Inferniate’ interactions display on some rugs. As much as some hate those rugs’ patterns, only one ‘Inferniate’ is more than enough
  • Fixed an issue where Occult eyes would not properly apply to Spellcasters
  • Unplayed NPCs not living in Glimmerbrook will no longer appear in Glimmerbrook performing Magic
  • “Challenge to Magic Duel at Dueling Grounds” performed by a broom and non-broom using duelist will now take place at the dueling grounds
  • Spellcasters with the “Knowledge is Magic” Perk will now be able to complete the “Finish Reading 3 Books” aspiration goal
  • Fixed an issue where some Spellcasters would not complete the “Learn a Spell” goal, even though they would learn a Spell
  • Spellcasters will now be able to Do Laundry while having “Always Transportalate” enabled
  • Fixed an issue in which Pet Familiars would not stop foraging, never bringing back their findings.
  • Sages now can be chosen to Play With for a game of Chess
  • Random non Spellcaster Sims no longer will show up as being Sages
  • Fixed an issue in which Cauldron made food was not able to be eaten as leftovers when looking at the refrigerator
  • Sims on cursed lots will no longer always catch fire in all attempts while using the Fireplace or the Stove
  • Fixed an issue in which sounds from The Magic Realm could be heard in Del Sol Valley if you had Get Famous installed
  • Fixed an issue in which some shirts in Create A Sim would not tuck in appropriately
  • Spellcaster Sims can now clean potty messes, child messes, and kitty litter messes by casting Scruberoo
  • Spellcasters will no longer have duplicate makeup options in CAS
  • Spellcasters should no longer land in unroutable locations when using the “Always Use Brooms” spell
  • Spellcasters that cast Mischief Spells will now get awarded Mischief Skill when doing so
  • Male spellcasters will no longer have a chance of going bald after performing Rite of Dissolution
  • yfHair_GP08Braids now properly appears within the Afro-Textured texture filter
  • Mischief spells are now counted towards the Criminal Career daily task Mischief Interaction
  • Spellcasters with the Spellcraft and Sorcery aspiration will no longer reset or cause a LastException after writing songs

Perfect Patio

  • We fixed an issue where hired Maids would often change into Swimwear and use the Hot Tub instead of completing their tasks.
    • It can be so difficult to find good help these days

Romantic Garden

  • Sims in the Freelance careers, including freelance photography, will no longer be able to Wish for Promotion using the Wishing Well
    • Since they are freelance, they can promote themselves without wishing for it. They just need to update their business card.
  • Sims in Conservationist, Educator, Actor, Style Influencer, Military, Critic, Social Media, or Politician careers will now be able to Wish for a Promotion using the Wishing Well.


  • Fixed an issue in which some shirts in Create A Sim would not tuck in appropriately into skinny jeans

Vintage Glamour

  • Addressed several issues that caused the Butler to fail to perform their assigned tasks
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Butlers to help put Toddler Sims to Bed
  • The Butler should no longer make food for themselves when they are not hungry

Laundry Day

  • Clothes moved to the clothing line to dry were not getting dry. We’ve reduced the moisture in the air and it should work now


  • Emotional auras in photographs can now be toggled on/off
  • Fixed an issue where some photos were taken were a bit blurry when placed in frames in Live Mode
  • Tripods placed on floors other than 1, 2, or 3, should no longer cause the camera to change floors when attempting to take a photo
  • Ask to Pose interaction should no longer fail if the Sim attempts to run the interaction from the Open Street
  • yfHair_SP15SlickedBackLong was displaying with a grey line.
  • “Take Photo Of” was allowed to target unmet NPC Sims. Creepy and awkward for sure. Go meet them first for goodness sake like a normal Sim
  • Freelance Photographer Sims can now see all proper tasks for gigs ‘Genius Professor Outdoor Wear Study’ and ‘Everyday Activities Fashion Shoot.’
  • Freelance Fashion Photography Gigs ‘Finding the Essence of Efficiency with Everyday Style’ and ‘Fantastic Formula for Formal Style’ now display the correct information for Pay, Due Date, and/or Required Skill Level.
  • The Amp Stack now functions as a Stereo, living to its full potential. Rock on!
  • Burnt photos would not be charred anymore once placed outside Sims’ inventory.

Now, where should I put this super deluxe king-sized bed in this Tiny Living lot I built?

– SimGuruLegacy
