The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle: New Traits and Aspirations

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During today’s Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle stream, Gurus confirmed that there will be 4 new traits available for Sims in CAS, along with 2 new Aspirations in Eco Lifestyle.

Create-a-Sim Traits

Maker Trait – These Sims become happy when making things. They become sad when it’s been too long since completing a project on a Fabricator, Candlemaking Station, Juice Fizzer, or Woodworking Table. They do not receive negative effects from crafting or repair failures.



Green Fiend – These Sims are happiest when living on a green street and will continuously work towards making their environment more eco-friendly.


Freegan – These Sims reject consumerism and prefer to reduce wasteful spending by any means. They enjoy finding re-used or thrown away goods and foods. In fact, they have the best luck at finding the highest-quality treasures in Dumpsters! They may become tense or uncomfortable if they spend too much time earning or spending Simoleons.


Recycling Disciple – SimGuruGeorge’s webcam was blocking the UI on the screen, but he stated that these Sims want to be recycling and reusing trash and other items.



Create-a-Sim Aspirations

Eco Innovator (Nature) – This Sim wants to build a better, greener community. During the stream, SimGuruJessica gave some additional details on this aspiration.

“Eco Innovator ties into our Neighbored Action Plan and is the more outward facing civil aspiration. The aspiration involves voting, convincing people to vote, involved selling power via the new power and build system, and it also ties into the Civil Designer Career.

The reward for being a good Eco Innovator is getting some new powerful socials like being able to shun someone or promote someone as a cool person.”



The Maker (Creativity) – This Sim wants to become an expert at Fabrication! During the stream, SimGuruJessica gave some additional details on this aspiration.

“The Maker aspiration ties into making stuff. It ties into pretty much all the new crafting in the game like Candlemaking, the Juice Fizzing, the Fabrication, and Recycling. Completing this aspiration will yield a savings reward so that Sims can save money on material usage to make things more efficiently.” 
