The Sims 4: Medium Interviews Maxis’ Concept Artist Nina Modaffari

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One artist that helped bring Sims 4 and its expansions to life is Nina Modaffari, a Maxis concept artist. She shares her journey as a concept artist in the gaming industry and her work behind Sims 4, her designs bringing brightness in this troubling year.

SUPERJUMP: Most of us were kids and teenagers when The Sims game came out in 2000. For me, I have a lot of fond memories of growing up with the game and getting lost in that freedom of being able to create. What was your first experience with The Sims?

Nina: My first experience with The Sims was playing the original SimCity on my old family computer. Eventually, I finally convinced my parents to let me get The Sims, and after that, it sealed my love for the franchise. Like all kids, I spent a solid amount of time in the original game placing rugs too close to fireplaces or creating endless labyrinths the likes of which the Sims would never escape.

I think it was the expansion ‘Makin’ Magic’ that got me interested in the game’s art. I remember seeing nothing else like it and being so impressed by the creativity of it all. I had so many ideas for what I would add to the game myself back then and it’s really funny to look back and be like — ‘well I’m here!’

SUPERJUMP: Now you’re part of that Sims’ magic! What is your role in the development of Sims 4?

Nina: I am a concept artist! My job is to help bring ideas to life. I do anything from Create-a-Sim (CAS) outfits, objects, hair, environments, and sometimes even concepting out VFX.

