FIRST LOOK: “Likes and Dislikes” Coming via Game Update to The Sims 4

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During today’s Sims 4 Dream Home Decorator stream, SimGurus confirmed that the “likes and dislikes” system will be coming to The Sims 4 via game patch. They also gave players a first look at the system along with some details.

Likes and Dislikes will be available via a collapsible slot module in Create-a-Sim. The Base Game patch will bring three (3) categories of preferences to choose from when creating a Sim: Color, Music Genre, and Activity. If you purchase The Sims 4 Dream Home Decorator Game Pack, a 4th category will be available called Decor. The game pack will also provide Sims with additional preference options when installed.


❗ SimGuruJill confirmed that the Decor category will not be available for Children, but they will have access to the other three categories. 

❗ Additional likes and dislikes can be unlocked while playing in the game, so SimGurus suggest keeping a few slots open for gameplay purposes. 

Sims will be able to have up to 20 Likes and Dislikes in the game, and upon clicking any of the categories in the module, you can choose the happy or sad face to indicate a like or a dislike. The following options are available in each category in CAS:


Color Preferences – Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White, Yellow


Music Preferences – Alternative, Blues, Classical, Electronica, Hip Hop, Kids Radio, Lullabies, Pop, Retro, Romance, 5-Pop, Spooky, Winter Holiday.

Activity Preferences – Comedy, Cooking, Fishing, Fitness, Gardening, Guitar, Handiness, Mischief, Mixology, Painting, Piano, Programming, Rocket Science, Video Gaming, Violin, Writing.


Decor Preferences – Basics, Boho, Contemporary, Cosmolux, French Country, Garden, Gothic Farmhouse, Island, Mid Century, Mission, Modern, Patio, Queen Anne, Storybook, Suburban Contemporary.

Throughout the gameplay in the stream, it has been noted that preferences will be shown in the simology panel, and a new communication interaction will be available between Sims to ask about their preferences.

