Broken/Updated Mods for Patch 1.87

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New Game Update 1.87 (Patch Notes) is out and you know what that means! That’s right, time to check your mods for updates! Please backup saves and files before using any untested mod.

If these Mod Lists help you, consider becoming a patron! Maintaining this list is very time consuming, so I very much appreciate any donation. The more support I have, the more time I can spend on it for you.

Patron perks include: Ad-Free access to the Mod List and downloadable Mod List summaries (which includes all status changes made to the list for each day)!

Become a Patron

How This Works

  • I do not offer game support here. If you need help with your game, I recommend trying one of these support servers:
  • Every patch I will start a new Broken/Updated post (unless it’s a hotfix patch). All mod statuses (except those set to Broken) will reset back to Unknown.
  • I do not track patron only mods/updates, I will add them when they’re available to everyone.
  • I will continue to update the list on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
  • To navigate this post, I suggest using the Table of Contents below.


Table of Contents

  • How to Report a Mod
    • Form available to submit your report(s). Please read and follow the instructions.
  • Compiled Mod List (Probably what you’re here for)
    • List of mods, careers, traits, etc. in the community, check here for their status.
  • Custom Content
    • General list of the Custom Content (if any) that broke for this patch. I will list those that receive an update in this section.
  • Programs/Overhauls
    • List of Sims 4 programs, utilities, overhauls, etc. (anything that does NOT go in your Mods folder) and when they last received an update. I will make a note for those that need an update.


How to Report a Mod

Please use the form below to submit your reports!

BEFORE reporting a mod as Broken:

  • Make sure you have Enable CC/Mods and Script Mods Allowed enabled in your Game Options (these usually have to be re-enabled after each patch).
  • Delete your localthumbcache from your Sims 4 folder, then test the mod ALONE with no other mods installed.

NOTE – If you are having an issue with a mod that’s listed as Updated or Compatible, please report it to the creator! Mods listed as Compatible or Updated will NOT be changed to Broken without confirmation (either by my testing or confirmed by the creator)!

Open Mod Report Form / View Submitted Reports


Reports are no longer accepted through comments.



Compiled Mod List

How to Sort & Search the Mod List

  • Use Ctrl+F to find your Mod and/or Creator.
  • Alternatively, you can use the link below to open the list in Google Sheets, then sort it to your liking:
    • Click on Data > Filter Views.., then select how you would like to view:

For a better view of the list:

SimsVIP Mod Status List in Google Sheets


Custom Content

Objects, clothes, hair, makeup, re-colors, etc. This is NOT a compiled list as the mods are because there is WAY too much out there. However, I’ll list any CC that broke for this patch below when it receives an update:

      • None reported yet, check back later.



Compiled list of programs for Sims 4.


Common Questions/Answers

  • Something is wrong with my game, what do I do?
    • First, move your Mods folder to your Desktop, clear your caches, then test on a NEW SAVE. Are you still experiencing the issue?
      • Yes – Then it’s likely a bug. Check the Bug Reports forum to see if it’s listed there, if it is please make sure to “Me Too” it.
      • No – Then it’s something in your Mods folder. Please do the 50/50 method to find which mod is causing it. When you find the culprit, please send a Broken Mod Report!
  • Any word on <insert mod name here>?
    • If there’s no status for the mod, then there’s no word. Please remember, I don’t track CC (Hair, Eyes, Makeup, Skins, Objects, Re-colors, etc) that didn’t break.  If you’re waiting on an update, please have patience and give creators time.
  • My <insert CC name here> doesn’t work anymore, what do I do?
    • Check the Custom Content section, I keep a list of CC types that are reported broken.
  • Is <insert mod name> working, I can’t find on the list!?
    • Make sure you have checked all tabs in the list (including Obsolete). If you’re positive it isn’t on the list, then use the Mod Report Form above so I can add it.
  • <Insert mod name> isn’t working.
    • Make sure you have the latest update. If you have the latest version, then test without any other mods/cc installed. Contact the creator if it’s still not working, be sure to include details on how exactly it isn’t working.
  • I can’t find which mod in my game broke!