The Sims 5: Project Rene FAQ and Information

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Maxis has released an official FAQ on “The Sims 5” (Project Rene), giving some extra bits on what to expect and what was announced today.

The Next Generation of The Sims in Development

The Sims team is building the next generation game and creative platform, reimagining The Sims that players know and love with even more new ways to play.


The game, which is currently in its very early stages of development, has a working title “Project Rene.” This name was chosen to be reminiscent of words like renaissance and rebirth to represent the team’s renewed commitment for The Sims’ bright future. Project Rene will fundamentally evolve how Sims think and behave, how players create and customize their worlds, and innovate in entirely new ways.

To start, we are experimenting with creative tools, a key part of The Sims’ DNA, and taking a look at what has worked before and how we can offer more flexibility to help with building and decorating in-game.

With Project Rene, players will have the choice to play solo or collaborate with others, and will have the ability to play their game across supported devices.


The Sims has always evolved to reflect our players and their experiences, and we are building on that foundation to encourage creativity and the ability to tell meaningful stories. This is just a first glimpse of what the team is working on, and we will continue to share more information on the game’s development and milestones along the way.

What is the new game that the team is working on?

The team has begun to work on the next generation of The Sims, currently known as Project Rene. Fans can expect big innovations in how they can customize and create their worlds, how Sims will behave and think, and how players can share the favorite ways they play with their friends across their favorite devices.

Why the name Project Rene?

We chose Project Rene because it is reminiscent of words like renaissance, and rebirth, and represents our renewed commitment to The Sims. That’s what we’re doing, ushering in a new future for The Sims with a new game experience and more.


What will Project Rene include at launch that will meet player expectations?

We can’t talk too much just yet about what you can expect during launch, but are keeping player feedback top of mind throughout the early stages of Project Rene’s development. We’re striving to go above and beyond in terms of transparency and creating opportunities for players to share their thoughts about what we’re creating over the next few years.

Will Project Rene be a single player experience, or will there be a multiplayer option?

Players will have the choice to play a single player experience or collaborate with others through online multiplayer across supported devices through cross-platform play.

When will Project Rene be released?

The game is currently in its very early stages of development, and we’ll have more to share over the coming years.

How often will we hear more about Project Rene?

The best way to make sure you keep up with any and all news about Project Rene alongside news about The Sims 4 and our mobile games is to sign up via and to follow our social channels for updates from The Sims team.


Does this mean that there will be no more content for The Sims 4?

The Sims 4 is not going away anytime soon. The team has been dedicated to expanding on the game for the past 8 years, and are as committed as ever to developing new and meaningful experiences for players and will continue to develop and release The Sims 4 packs, Kits and Sims Delivery Express drops in the foreseeable future.

