The Sims 2 Archives | Page 6 of 16 | SimsVIP

The Sims at PAX West: Inclusive Community Panel (Video)

The Sims team's Lyndsay Pierson and Sarah Fuchs, along with Twitch community manager Aureylian, have just concluded a live panel at PAX West. Check...

PAX West: Designing & Developing Games for an Inclusive Community

If you're heading to PAX West this year, Lyndsay Pearson and Sarah Fuchs will be hosting a Love Has No Labels panel on Games and Diversity this...

New York Times: Video Games Allow Characters More Varied Sexual Identities

In the popular simulation game The Sims, players have long been able to create male and female characters — but only up to a...

The Sims: Ask a Guru Q&A Session

Earlier this week The Sims team resurrected the "Ask a Guru" thread, allowing players to ask a variety of questions for SimGurus to answer. The thread...

The Sims 4: “Ask a Guru” Returns to the Official Forums

The Sims team has resurrected the "Ask a Guru" threads on the official forums, and starting today for an unspecified amount of time, players have...

TIME Magazine: 50 Best Video Games of All Time

TIME Magazine has released a list of the 50 Best Video Games of All Time, and taking its well deserved spot in this spotlight, The...

EA’s Summer Immersion Program: Girls Who Code Visits The Sims

EA is proud to partner with organizations who are committed to gender equality and provide opportunities for young women to study computer science. 90% of...

Behind the Scenes: Lyndsay Pearson on Developing The Sims 4

Wondering what goes into developing The Sims 4? Want a deeper look at behind the scenes operations at Maxis? We sat down with Lyndsay...

The Sims Joins Snapchat

The Sims team has officially joined Snapchat, the world's most popular image messaging and multimedia mobile application. With the username TheSimsOfficial, you can add...

ESA Report: The Sims 4 “Top Selling PC Game” of 2015

The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) has released the 2016 Essential Facts report covering the many details of the Video Game Industry. Highlighted in this report...

