Nraas/ISZ Closing – Twallan Moving Mods & Support Site
The ISZ has decided to cease hosting Nraas Industries according to Twallan, and he will now be supporting and hosting his mods on a...
Remove Overlay/Stencils from Game Content (Testing)
Ever wanted to remove a permanent stencil or shine from CAS/Buy Mode items? Well leave it to the community to help make your dreams come true! Velocitygrass...
Scarlet Sims – No More Cauldron Energy Decay Mod
For those of your who notice a huge decrease in your Sims' energy when "conjuring", have no fear, Scarlet Sims is here! They have...
Nraas Industries – Twallan Mods Updated for Patch 1.29
Even though this patch was completely unexpected for everyone, Twallan has worked his magic and updated the 4 mods that needed to be tweaked...
Time/Weather Change Mod By cmomoney
Just when I thought the moding community couldn't top my amazement, they create this incredible mod. Not much to say since this is self explanatory,...
NRaas Mods Update For Patch 1.57
For those of you who use NRaas mods, you will be glad to know that all of these mods (with a few that still...
Twallan Mods Updated for Patch 1.34
Twallan has updated the State of the Mod, and all mods are now compatible with the latest 1.34 patch. Yeay for Twallan! :D
Increase the Chances of Death in ‘Box of Danger’
Sabri5 from MTS has created a series of mods that allows you to choose the chances of a Sim dying in the Box of...
Nraas Mods: Twallan Has Officially Retired
With the Sims 3 still going strong for a while longer, and a new patch already confirmed to be in the works, Twallan has officially...
Twallan’s Mods Being Updated for Patch 1.31
Twallan is always quick when it comes to our mods! Just a heads up that Twallan has completed several updates to his mods, which...