*Expansion Pack # 7 Spoilers*
This page contains spoilers for the 7th Expansion pack of the Sims 3. If you do not want to know about it, close the page! Note that any and all information on this page can be changed by EA at any time.
Just a common courtesy warning. Please do not go and badger the SimGuru’s about this information, as they are going to have to act like we know nothing. Just take in the info. Legally, EA cannot speak about any of this information until it’s officially announced, so don’t waste your time!
Thanks to Velocitygrass for letting us know about the patch notes, and a special thanks to Kiwi_Tea for the images!
Please direct all your comments here
Screens of the new Game Effects
New In Game Gifting System
- Choose a gift
- Choose A Friend
- Enter a note
- Enjoy this gift from the Dev Team.
- Do not send.
- Item Downloaded. Send one back?
- Message goes here…
- Type a message to your friend below:
- Send Item Back
- Send a Gift
- That EP isn’t installed
- This Item is Shareable.
- Gifts
- New Gift
- You have {0.Number} Gifts!
- You have a new Gift!
- You have new Gifts to claim!
- View Gifts
- alchemyPotionMysteriousDrink
- alchemyPotionRound
- alchemyPotionSpecial
- alchemyPotionSquare
- throwPotionAt_jig description
- Wall_ConcreteGeneric
- alchemyPotionMysteriousDrink
- alchemyPotionRound
- alchemyPotionSpecial
- alchemyPotionSquare
- throwPotionAt_jig
- Drink Potion
- Throw Potion
- Use On Other
- Use on Self
Mix Potion – While mixing potions, {0.SimFirstName} had an epic failure and did not create the {1.String}, {0.SimFirstName} just mixed {1.Number} flasks of {2.String}
Potion Types
Anti-Nausea Potion – Eliminate your nausea with a swig of this potion.
Energy Stabilizer Potion – For a period of time, your energy level won’t decay.
Invigorating Potion – Drink to feel invigorated
Lasting Skill Boost Potion – No description
Clone Drone Potion – No description
Nausea-Inducing Potion – Drink this to feel nauseous.
Smelly Potion – Drink to Stink!
Zombification Potion – No description
- Bee Attack!
- Bee Sting
- BeeStingDescription
- From Being Attacked By Bees
- Bees Wax
- Honey
- Create Candle
- Clean
- Feed the Bees
- Harvest Honey
- No honey has been produced yet.
- Smoke the box
- Congratulations! {0.SimFirstName} has achieved the Alchemists Anonymous skill challenge. Check {0.SimFirstName}’s Skill Journal for information about the reward.
- In order to earn the Alchemists Anonymous challenge, you must throw {0.Number} potions at other Sims. Once you have achieved this challenge, other Sims will not mind if you throw a harmful potion at them, and they like you even more if you throw a beneficial potion at them.
- Alchemists Anonymous
- Congratulations! {0.SimFirstName} has achieved the title of Master Alchemist and has completed the Master Alchemist Skill Challenge! Check {0.SimFirstName}’s Skill Journal for information about the reward.
- A Master Alchemist must learn {0.Number} alchemy recipes. Once you have achieved this challenge, you will have a chance of not using up all of your ingredients when creating an alchemy recipe. {0.SimFirstName} just mixed {1.Number} flasks of {2.String}
- Master Alchemist
- Money Earned Selling Potions: {0.Number
- Number of Alchemy Recipes Discovered: {0.Number}
- Number of Alchemy Potions Created: {0.Number}
- Number of Alchemy Potions Thrown at Others: {0.Number}
- Number of Sims Cured: {0.Number}
- Number of Sims turned into Supenaturals: {0.Number}
- Congratulations! {0.SimFirstName} has achieved the title of Potion Prodigy and has completed the Potion Prodigy Skill Challenge! Check {0.SimFirstName}’s Skill Journal for information about the reward.
- A Potion Prodigy must mix {0.Number} potions in the game. Once you have achieved this challenge, you will be able to create {1.Number} potions each time you Mix Potions at the Alchemy Station.
- Potion Prodigy
- {0.SimFirstName} just learned a recipe for {1.String}
- Research Alchemy
- Drink Mysterious Drink
- Mix Into Drink
- Mysterious Drink
- Recipe Name
- Alchemy Recipes
- Name of the Alchemy Recipe
- Werewolf
- Hunt Solo
- Hunt With Pack
- Howl at the Moon
- Transform Into Human Form
- Transform Into Werewolf Form
- Werewolfs can only howl at the moon at night.
- Attend {0.SimName}’s Party With Pack
- Crash {0.SimName}’s Party With Pack
- Werewolf Jaw – Slider
- Werewolf Nose – Slider
- This fish is too strange for your awesome werewolf claws to eat!!
- Scratch
- Hungry Like The Wolf
- Once Bitten Twice Shy
- TopDog
- Werewolf!
- From Werewolf Bite
- From Werewolf Transformation
- BitSimTNS
- BittenTNS
- Your Werewolf used their keen senses to track down some extremely rare objects.
- Your Werewolf used their keen senses to track down some very rare objects.
- Your Werewolf was able to scratch up a few common objects.
- Your Werewolf used their keen senses to track down some interesting objects.
- The trail was cold and your Werewolf couldn’t find anything.
- {0.SimName} is noticing significantly more body hair then they remembered having
- Everything has such an intense smell to {0.SimName} today
- Wow! How did {0.SimName} toenails get so long? Time to use the clippers
- Lycanthropy (Skill) Level 10 TNS Message
- Lycanthropy (Skill) Level 2 TNS Message
- Lycanthropy (Skill) Level 3TNS Message
- Lycanthropy (Skill) Level 4 TNS Message
- Lycanthropy (Skill) Level 5 TNS Message
- Lycanthropy (Skill) Level 6 TNS Message
- Lycanthropy (Skill) Level 7 TNS Message
- Lycanthropy (Skill) Level 8 TNS Message
- Lycanthropy (Skill) Level 9 TNS Message
- Apologize For Becoming A Werewolf
- Ask For Werewolf Curse
- Be Asked For Curse
- Cursed Bite
- Being Curse Bitten
- Be Intimidated
- Have Belly Rubbed
- Be Warned
- Be Whacked On Nose
- Complain About Fairies
- Compliment Fur
- Imply Mother was a Chupacabra
- Intimidate
- Sniff Inappropriately
- Threaten to Exploit Weakness
- Warn Away
- Complain About Werewolf Curse
- Joke About Shedding
- Whack On Nose
- Play With Pack
- Eat With Pack ({0.Money})
- Drinks With Pack ({0.Money})
- Tour Mausoleum with Pack
- Tour Command Center with Pack
- Tour Command Center With Pack
- Tour Movie Set With Pack
- Tour Science Lab With Pack
- Attend Concert With Pack ({0.Money})
- Watch Equestrian Competition With Pack ({0.Money})
- Attend Free Concert With Pack
- Watch Equestrian Competition With Pack
- Attend Free Movie With Pack
- Attend Free Play With Pack
- Attend Free Symphony With Pack
- Attend Movie With Pack ({0.Money})
- Attend Play With Pack ({0.Money})
- Attend Symphony With Pack ({0.Money})
- Review Concert With Pack
- Review Play With Pack
- Review Movie With Pack
- Review Symphony With Pack
- Attend Free Game With Pack
- Attend Game With Pack ({0.Money})
- Review Game With Pack
- Travel Here With Pack
- Travel With Pack To…
- Tour Theatre With Pack
- Go Here With Pack
- Visit Lot With Pack
- Visit Lot With Pack
- Go to this Floor With Pack
- Go to Floor With Pack
Conjure Apple
Conjure Poison Apple
Eat Raw
You have been turned into a toad!
You must have a broom stand to place a broom on
Set as Prefered Vehicle
The {0.String} Moodlet
Some of the Sim’s motives won’t decay
Remove the {0.String} Moodlet
Random Skill Gain
Remove the {0.String} Moodlet
Spellcraft Skill
Spellcraft Description
Spellcraft Skill Level
Zombie (Potion only?)
What Just Happened?
You look like death. Not even warmed over.
Flight of Felicity Fairy Gift
Fairy Gift
From Fairy
From Fairy Nectar
Ask For Fairy Dust
Lifetime Happiness Rewards/Buy Objects?
Motive Decay Modifier – Some of the Sim’s motives won’t decay over time.
Energy Stabilizer – Energy won’t decay
Fairy Nectar Buzz – Nothing Like Fairy Nectar!
FeralChange – No description
New Woohoo Spots
WooHoo In Wardrobe
WooHoo In Fairy House
Clothes Encounters – No description
- StudyBodyLanguage
- Study Body Language and become a scholar of subtle gestures, dirty looks, and even dirtier hand signals.
Random Bits
Catch The Bandits
Pet The Rocking Rider
Rocking Rodeo
Toy Alligator
Toy Dragon
Toy Loch Ness Monster
Toy Robot
Toy Sheep
Toy Yeti
Nap Inside Fairy House
Create An Outfit
- FortuneTellerBranchOffer
- HaveFortuneTold
- FortuneTellerCareer
- FortuneTellerJobOffer
- FortuneTellerRetirement
- GroupReadings – Group Readings. Yes, that’s what they’re calling it these days.
- LearnFromMentor – You are but a padawan, or a caterpillar. Whatever you are, learn from your mentor how to ascend to the next level.
- MeetClientele – Take the time to get to know your clients.
- Mystic
- PeerIntoUnknown – Peer Into the Unknown. Just don’t complain when it peers into your bedroom at night.
- ReallySellIt – Really Sell it! All of your effort and hard work is bound to get noticed.
- ScamArtist
- StudyBodyLanguage
- Study Body Language and become a scholar of subtle gestures, dirty looks, and even dirtier hand signals.
- Hold a Psychic Convention
- Celebrity Psychic
- Client
- Clientele
- Tarot Reading
- Conjurer Of Cheap Tricks
- Dealer Of Destinies
- Entry Level
- Entry Level_Female
- Fortune Guesser
- Horoscope Reader
- Keen Observer Of Human Behavior
- Master Of Mysticism
- Metaphysical Fabricator
- Metaphysician
- PalmReader
- PromotionLevel10Mystic
- PromotionLevel10Mysticf_Female
- PromotionLevel10ScamArtist
- PromotionLevel10ScamArtist_Female
- PromotionLevel2
- PromotionLevel2_Female
- PromotionLevel3
- PromotionLevel3_Female
- PromotionLevel4
- PromotionLevel4_Female
- PromotionLevel5
- PromotionLevel5_Female
- PromotionLevel6Mystic
- PromotionLevel6Mystic_Female
- PromotionLevel6ScamArtist
- PromotionLevel6ScamArtist_Female
- PromotionLevel7Mystic
- PromotionLevel7Mystic_Female
- PromotionLevel7ScamArtist
- PromotionLevel7ScamArtist_Female
- PromotionLevel8Mystic
- PromotionLevel8Mystic_Female
- PromotionLevel8ScamArtist
- PromotionLevel8ScamArtist_Female
- PromotionLevel9Mystic
- PromotionLevel9Mystic_Female
- PromotionLevel9ScamArtist
- PromotionLevel9ScamArtist_Female
- PseudoPsychic
- SpiritualGuide
- TarotCardShark
- Traveller Of Time And Space
- Vague Visionary
- The number of private readings that you have performed as a Mystic Fortune Teller
Readings Performed
- Fake It – Fake It means that you’re not going to bend your psychic antenna over nothing. Just take it easy and nobody will even notice.