The Sims 3 Decades Stuff SP 8?

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Remember the possible Stuff Pack poll from back in March? It looks like one of the options has made its way into Stuff Pack land! Sims Nieuws has discovered The Sims 3 Decades listed on Dutch retailer Wehkamp, with a release date of January 24th.



 OPTION 5: The Sims 3 Decades Stuff
From Hipsters to Hippies, you’ll be groovy with the retro fashions and furniture from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s.  Shagrugs, big hair and plaid shirts are fer sure to inspire your Sims to relive yesterday. Like, totally. Grab your boom box, watch your favorite show on a console TV, or cook dinner with an avocado-colored stove. The Sims 3 Decades Stuff is Da Bomb!

