Strategy Informer Previews Sims 3 Pets

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Strategy Informer has given their own small preview of The Sims 3 Pets for Console, but they do make small mention of the PC version.  Nothing new except Siamese cats are mentioned…just some more to read. 😛

I also noticed they mention we can add “tiger skins” to the PC version, although they may have the demo’s mixed up.  Unless of course we can use Create -a-style.


Finally, one of the expansions from The Sims 2 makes its way to The Sims 3: adding Pets. The Sims 3: Pets for the PC will be a hefty expansion to The Sims 3, while the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of Pets will be full games unto themselves.

Having had some hands-on time with the PC version of The Sims 3: Pets at E3 2011, fans can be assured that Pets gives them everything they expect. For one, players get to choose from cats, dogs and horses, and each of them are fully customizable. While there are preset breeds such as Siamese cats, players can go wild and make unearthly animals. Players may create “tiger dogs” by adding tiger skins onto the dog model, or make evil cats and horses with all-black skins and blood red eyes (including red sclera!) That’s right, make your own Ringwraith steed!

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