Sims3Cri – 8 Page Preview of Pets!

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This is by far the longest Preview for Pets I have seen!  This should keep ya busy for at least 30 minutes. 😛  Check out the 8 page preview of Pets from Sims3Cri!


As you will see from the many screenshots we took, the town looks very peaceful and quiet. It has this country-western feeling that fits perfectly with horses, we wished we had more time to see all the households and explore every corner of the neighborhood! Graham Nardone told us that all thevenues and rabbitholes were given a new look for this town, and in fact some of them look really good (the hospital for example is very nice).
The community lots and public places of Appaloosa Plains are pretty mainly grouped together, meaning that in one lot you can find more than a rabbithole. Here’s a list of some of the new arrangement of the town.

  • Science facility + Hospital
  • Supermarket + Bistrot
  • Business and Journalism headquarters + Restaurant
  • SPA + Library
  • City Hall + Police station + Military base

Also, even the professions’ headquarters have been renovated and of course will be included in Appaloosa Plains if you have Ambitions installed. Obviously, you can also place these renewed lots and venues in your old neighborhoods to give them a new look.


The Sims 3 Pets brings in four new pets-related community places: the dog park, the cat jungle, the Equestrian Center and the training field.
The dog park is a very little lot, with grass, flowers and a cute bone-shaped pool, where dogs can jump in and swim. Graham tried to show us the “big dog splash”, that is, when the animal jumps in the pool, splashes a lot of water around that can soak a Sim. We had a good  dog, so no water 😉

The cat jungle, instead, is a big place with bushes, trees and many cat objects (cat condos and other feline-related stuff). These lots are not a prerogative of each animal type, meaning that dogs can go to the cat jungle and vice-versa. They would just find getting along with each other a bit harder than usual, but they’ll be fine.

As for the Equestrian Center, it is a rabbithole and your Sims can go there to enter a competition, buy a horse or “offer” it as a stallion! The training field,instead, is a playable place where you can train with your horse, if you don’t have enough room to place obstacles at home.
You can get an idea of what the neighborhood looks like by giving a look at our pictures of Appaloosa Plains!




