Sims 3 Showtime “leaked” Trailer?

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Remember the supposed “Showtime” trailer that was removed from YouTube by EA on grounds of Copyright? Well someone re-uploaded it and it is here for viewing. According to SimPrograms, the voice over is the same as that of American Idol.

Now could this be a fake? Could it have been Late Night’s original name? Some of the box renders are from Late Night, but with this game showing up on Dutch retailer sites as an upcoming game, I’m not sure what to think. Is it real? Take a look and decide.


Update – After seeing some of the “social” aspects in this trailer, I went digging for a poll from the Sims 3 website a while back. Sending Sims to other people’s games & “living in the spotlight” are two of the options in the poll. Coincidence they show up in this “trailer”? Check out the poll here.


Social features – in-game messaging, friends lists, send Sims to your friends’ games!

New ACTIVE entertainment career paths – live in the spotlight!

Run your own entertainment resort – attract tourists, hire entertainers, keep guests happy!

Live in a full resort town- Casinos, entertainment venues and a town full of fun attractions for your Sims!

