12/21/11 – Poll Results + New Poll

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Digital vs. Physical. That was the question, and you gave your answer. When asked if you would stay with the Sims Series if they were to go all digital, 51% of you said No way! 48% of you said you would still play til the end.

The difference between votes was only 38. To be honest, I was a tad shocked at this tiny gap! Regardless of how you voted, please comment below and tell us what and why you voted as you did. I am even more interested in those of you who wouldn’t mind a Digital Series.




A brand new Poll is up on the site, and this time, asking how you feel about the direction the Sims Series is taking. With Social Features, In Game purchasing and other Social aspects being introduced, how happy (or angry) are you?

With Showtime’s arrival, comes a new Simport feature, which will reward the users with exclusive props and other career enhancing objects.  “How the stage is built will directly influence a player’s Sim’s performance and career progression” How would you feel if you were forced to use the social aspect just to advance in your game? (assuming this was the only way to do it)

