Celebrate The Sims’ Upcoming Birthday!*

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*Facebook Required to Celebrate 😛


Simmers Around the World!

Celebrate the upcoming birthday of The Sims by taking a photo of yourself with the plumbob. Share it with your friends or make it your Facebook profile photo beginning today through the February 4th anniversary.

Download a template to make your own plumbob, digitally create a photo using the plumbob, or print a plumbob image to use in your photo.

To show even more support for The Sims, submit a screenshot of your favorite Sim to The Sims 3 Facebook ‘Anniversary Album’ and your Sim might be included in The Sims anniversary commemorative image! Here’s a tip: zoom in to snap a nice headshot of your favorite Sim.

Upload to: The Sims 3 Facebook ‘Anniversary Album’ between January 24 – February 1 by 5pm PST.

We hope you’ll join us in celebrating the birthday of The Sims!

Sul sul!

The Sims Team



