Sims Playtest – Redwood Shores, CA (2/29 – 3/2)

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There is an upcoming Sims Playtest at EA’s Redwood Shores location, and if you or someone you know lives in California and would like a chance to test the game, fill out this survey. There is no mention of what game this is, however they are asking for Sims Fans specifically. 🙂 You are not guaranteed participation, but if you are selected, you will be compensated with an EA Game.

Please Note: You must be available in California, at Redwood Shores, during the dates specified, to be considered for the testing.


Dates: Wednesday, February 29th, Thursday, March 1st & Friday, March 2nd

Audience: All Gamers (Sims Fans specifically!)

Session Length: 2 hours

Compensation: EA Game

Submit Interest: Click here to complete survey


Please Note: Completing questionnaire does not guarantee participation in EA’s playtest.  All information is kept confidential and will be used only in connection with playtests at EA.


To sign up for playtest emails, click here to register. Also follow the EA Game Lab on Facebook. These playtests are only for those who reside in the San Francisco Bay area.


