Giveaway #9 – Gimme Your Wishlists! *Ended*

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The first *15* users to post a wishlist (or someone else’s if you’re felling generous), will get a random wishlist gift!


❗ You must have a variety of items of your wishlist from 25 to 100 Simpoints! If you do not, I will skip you!

❗ Make sure it’s a wishlist! Not a My Page!



Winners + 3 extra’s!

♦ Nutty1996

♦ Gleeky321

♦ rodris

♦ Mychro5

♦ tristarin

♦ LynAnn1996

♦ NathanNowell

♦ XxNiqhtAc3xX

♦ surkutippa

♦ BodaciousFun

♦ NewEra2009

♦ SimmerwithSkill

♦ liamlogan9898

♦ Sabrosa

♦ Khrisstyne

♦ FatInsaneBeautiful

♦ XSimmer

♦ Philip1999

